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单词 homicide 例句大全,用单词homicide造句:

The man who in a fit of jealous rage committed a homicide was found guilty.
New program has the show of dolphin and homicide whale, have headroom diving.
Gluecks wrists were too dainty to have wielded a heavy ax in a double homicide.
When they found out that Dave was German he was sure they would commit homicide.
A time, a variety of guess the sky another, is to commIt'suicide ?is a homicide ?
一时间, 各种猜测纷纷而起, 是自杀?是他杀?还是情杀?
HOMICIDE DETECTIVE Martin Wells, you are under arrest for the murder of Vicky Wells.
A analysis of the influencing factors of responsibility assessment for homicide cases.
Alcohol consumption is linked to both higher homicide rates and more vehicle accidents.
The chances for them to be involved in gang violence and homicide go up astronomically.
What feeling be after killing a person directly Is indirect homicide met again what feels
The truck driver involved is expected to appear in court , charged with culpable homicide.
肇事卡车司机被指控涉嫌刑事杀人案, 预计将出庭受审。
His waiting jungle, full of deadly traps, thesavage aborigines, and motor vehicle homicide!
游戏中, 你将遇到各种陷阱, 野蛮人和机关敌人阻碍你。
Shortly thereafter, Scofield was arrested by the Panamanian Police and charged with homicide.
此后不久, 司考菲尔德被逮捕巴拿马警方, 并被控杀人罪。
Classics spot perambulate considers as the homicide that invades money sex together the case.
The policedogs tracked the trace 2000 meters and arrested thesuspect of a homicide case directly
Over the past three days there have been no less than five homicide bombings targeting Israeli citizens.
在过去三天, 针对以色列公民的杀人炸弹爆炸不少于五起。
Detective CaldwellThen, you wouldnt know about the double homicide that took place there last January.
The statement said that officials have ruled out poisoning, sexual assault and homicide as potential causes.
We are not concerned with an act of homicide committed on a sudden impulse which might serve as extenuation.
这个人, 先生们, 这个人是很聪明的。
Is lifetime to bury a bloom homicide, I bury you along fallen petal sword, dont consume an of your rare person.
平生葬花杀人, 我以落花剑葬你, 不枉你异人之名。
In this actionfilled platformer, he needs to find out the truth about the homicide of an important businessman.
在这次行动中, 他要找出杀害知名商人的事实真相。
The vans 72yearold driver was arrested on charges of criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license.
On the Supervision of Nonfeasance in Investigation Based on a Case of Intentional Homicide Committed by a Patrolman
Defining the act of gaining property with the temporary intention after homicide is the basis of determining its nature.
Contain2 individual cases pieces The rose apartment kills people a case and knows perfectly well a high school homicide case.

单词 homicide 释义

  • 单词释义:杀人(行为);杀人犯;杀人罪  [更多..]



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