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单词 horseback 例句大全,用单词horseback造句:

Knights on horseback put the Middle Ages out of bounds as far as Im concerned.
On the fist can the standing person, on the arm be able to gallop on horseback!
在拳头上能立着的人, 在手臂上能够在马背上飞驰!
One Sunday I went to horseback riding with a friend in the Los Gatos Mountains.
Daring, brave riders sped across the country on horseback, riding day and night.
勇敢的骑手在马背上飞快地穿越这个国家, 日夜兼程。
In coming from Latin America to Asia you have been looking at flowers on horseback.
你们从拉丁美洲到亚洲来, 是走马看花的。
They were highly disciplined and masters with using the bow and arrow on horseback.
a set of people sharing a devotion to horses and horseback riding and horse racing.
一群对马, 马术和赛马有共同爱好的人。
Reticule now turns red if character cant shoot at the current direction on horseback.
What frightens me about being on horseback is that I don't feel as if I'm in control.
If you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting tournament.
如果你想看骑马和剑术的打斗, 那就去看马上骑术比赛。
The Emperor was already descended from the tower, and advancing on horseback towards me.
The amiable staff can arrange horseback rides, hikes, and visits to neighboring wineries.
这话简直像是我兄弟说的, 这话可多亲切。
There comes a gentleman horseback, and lights at the door, wanting to go into the tavern.
There comes a gentleman on horseback, and lights at the door, wanting to go into the tavern.
Horseback riding, cycling, walking, and climbing are among the parks popular activities.
Kongming abandoned his carriage and retreated across the bridge on horseback, Zhang Ren in hot pursuit.
the you know, the stables, the horseback riding thing where I can you know, relax a little and chill out.
Several Oglala men, many wearing war bonnets, on horseback riding down hill. Photo by Edward S. Curtis, 1907.
Renown for their bravery and hardiness, Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback.
这些骑兵以骁勇善战著称, 装备长剑和复合短弓, 极为精锐。
A Study on the Sources of the Figurines of the Monkey on Horseback and the Monkey on Camelback Unearthed from Yotkan, Khotan
When officers rode on horseback, it was regarded not as something necessary for performing their duties but as a sign of inequality.
For example, the usual place for a wedding is in a church. But some people get married outdoors in a scenic spot. A few even have the ceremony while sky-diving or riding on horseback!

单词 horseback 释义

  • 单词释义:在马背上的;骑马的  [更多..]



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