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单词 horse 例句大全,用单词horse造句:

White Horse Pagoda commemorates the horse of the Indian monk Jiumoluoshi.
When you fell off your horse, the horse rolled over on to your soft body.
你从马背上栽下来, 翻滚的马从你稚嫩的身子上压过去。
In a certain kingdom there is a King and he has a horse with a Golden Mane.
Men vault over the length of the horse. Women vault over the width of the horse.
A figure of a horse worn attached to the waist of a mummer, as in a morris dance.
Horse does not pick or exclude color, thus a brown or black horse can be brought.
If you decide to ride a horse, and will memorize that takes the feed for the horse.
如果你决定骑马去, 要记得给马带饲料。
A horse helps man a lot and runs much faster than we do but who controls the horse?
Niuniu riding grinning, Nothing to do, barrel horse, Horse hair, and cars overturned.
Comparative research on the law perspectives about horse identification and horse race
It was the trot of a horse; Cathy's dance stopped, and in a minute the horse stopped also.
It may tender the meat in canned ham and soften the skin of horse bean in canned horse bean.
Dismount, the most secure way is to just hold the horse and then the next owner of the horse.
下马时, 最安全的办法是由马主人把马牵住后再下。
Saddle pad between saddle and the horse back, made of soft material to protect the horse back.
鞍屉, 鞍毯, 垫于马背与鞍子之间的质地柔软的垫子。
The dwarf hurried the horse into the water, and the old horse started off boldly for the island.
Beginners horse very important election, it is necessary to select the horse obedient and docile.
初学者选马很重要, 要选择听话而温顺的马。
Horse Head Vajra, also entitled Horse Head Bright King. He is the angry look of the Endless Light Buddha.
If a chariot is included in the carousel, the first horse just behind it on the outside is the lead horse.
If the horse starts moving away from the farrier, you can touch the horse on the shoulder to keep him still.
如果马开始远离蹄铁匠, 你可以触碰马的肩部使他保持静止。
A crossbar that is attached to the traces of a draft horse and to the vehicle or implement that the horse is pulling.
The difference of physiological values caused by sex and age are similar between the wild horse and the domestic horse.
Lauren loves Patch, her Pinto horse. When they meet Sarah and her Palomino horse, Sarah is difficult to get along with.
The female athletics gymnastics vaulting horse is the horizontal horse, by Ma Shen, Ma Tui and the foundation is composed.
Software Description About Horse with no name, This theme is based on a sepiatoned image of a horse running through a cloud of dust.
He ate Tang Sanzang's white horse, so he is subdued Sun Wukong and is changed into the white dragon horse for Sanzang to ride on the way.

单词 horse 释义

  • 单词释义:马;骑马的军人,骑兵;有脚的架;跳马,鞍马  [更多..]



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