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单词 honour 例句大全,用单词honour造句:

He met the foreign friends and gave a banquet in their honour.
他遇到外国朋友, 并设宴招待了他们。
She has confirmed that she will accept the honour of a peerage.
Exploratory Analysis on Socialist Concept of Honour or Disgrace
May I have the honour of accompanying you to the carnival ball ?
He came here because of a fatal result from an affair of honour.
She did me the honour of attending the opening of my exhibition.
The same evening they gave a banquet in honour of the delegation.
I beg you will do me the honour of accepting the trifling present.
Honour killings occur in many countries of Western and South Asia.
I shall esteem it as an honour if you kindly grant me an interview.
如蒙接见, 将甚感荣幸。
Every cager must attain good results and win honour for the country.
每个篮球队员必须创造好成绩, 为国争光。
May I have the honour of getting acquainted with your harbour master?
Stand of full of youthful spirity, warm, ardor and riches and honour.
象征朝气蓬勃, 温暖, 热情, 富贵。
He invited him to take a seat, but the attendant declined the honour.
这门子? ? 坐。
when food and clothing are enough, men have a sense of honour and shame
It is a great honour for us to assist you in this way, in any way we can.
能够帮助你们是我们的荣幸, 我们倾尽全力。
The President, on his arrival, reviewed the guard of honour at the airport.
Eugenie turned her head aside, for her high sense of honour reproached her.
Then, in1999, I went to Los Angeles to be maid of honour for my best friend.
The peony is flower of riches and honour, depths accept VIPs's being fond of.
牡丹花为富贵之花, 深受达官贵人的喜爱。
Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.
We were amazed to be learning English, and we both made our school's honour roll.
Secondly, we the donors who pledged our support in Paris must honour our pledges.
When an issuing bank determines that a presentation is complying, it must honour.
当开证行确定提示相符时, 就必须予以兑付。
Humorous or FML would you do me the honour of accompanying me to the new year ball?

单词 honour 释义

  • 单词释义:尊敬;正义感;荣誉;荣幸;引起尊敬的人/事物;头衔;优秀成绩/课程;荣誉学位;阁下;最大点数的牌  [更多..]



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