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单词 hospice 例句大全,用单词hospice造句:

The Investigation and Study on the Cognition in Hospice Care of Nursing Undergraduates.
I met Connie the day she was admitted to the hospice ward, where I worked as a volunteer.
Nurses came from the Southern Tier Hospice and Palliative Care Center to take care of her.
Half of the patients at the Missionaries of Charity hospice carried communicable diseases.
Both of euthanasia and hospice care are extraordinary as the core content of death control.
作为死亡控制的核心内容, 二者皆有非凡之处。
Objective To explore the features of hospice care of patients with advanced stage of liver cancer.
Home hospice care patients had better psychological wellbeing than those with other care patterns.
Objective To explore the experiences on hospice care and nursing used in endstage cancer patients.
And this comes at the expense of not relaying important issues, such as palliative and hospice care.
于是忽视了重要问题, 比如缓解和安宁疗护。
The third part is the comparative study on the background of the emergence of hospice between the U.K..
For me, this story begins about 13 years ago, when I was a hospice doctor at the University of Chicago.
Objective To explore the significance of home based hospice services model in terminal cancer patients.
The development and payment policy of hospice palliative care should be coordinated with long term care system.
在发展与给付政策方面, 应配合长期照护系统之规划
Shanghai has always been hospitable to the tourists and businessmen from the world. Hospitable Hospitality Hospice.
Beane is the medical director of hospice services in the department of communitybased medicine of Kaiser Permanente in San Francisco, California.
His teaching and ideas have spread considerably beyond spiritual life, influencing theater, the visual arts, mental health care, business management, gerontology, and hospice work.
的菩萨精神, 在当时, 在今日, 都是颇受争议和误解的。

单词 hospice 释义

  • 单词释义:(宗教团体开办的)旅客招待所;(晚期病人的)安养院;收容所,救济院  [更多..]



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