With shea butter for ultimate moisturizing and calendula to help relieve itching.
牛油果油的极限保湿和金盏菊, 帮助止痒。
Ah hah, you must be happy. you've been itching to go on a business trip for months.
Apply rollon antiperspirant to the bite.The itching should stop almost immediately.
Could not forget you and I ride bicycles on the couch kind of sour itching feeling.
He was so pleased with his bike and he has been itching to get outside and play on it.
Normal discharge should have only a slight odor and should never cause itching or burning.
That burning, itching feeling in my toes at the end of a day's sloshing about in the snow.
在雪中晃荡了一天以后, 我的脚趾又烧又痒。
When dogs are initially infected with Sarcoptes they do not develop itching for several weeks.
His veins had swelled with the effort of the cough, and the varicose ulcer had started itching.
Study on Microwave Extraction Technology of Diminishing Inflammation and Relieving Itching Spray
The rowboat race won't begin until tomorrow, but the players have already itching to start today.
Administration of tinctures of this herb can lead to severe itching, stomachache, or reduced appetite.
Discontinue use if signs of rash, redness, or itching occur and consult your physician if it persists.
He had some itching in his external auditory canal and was informed by the doctor that it was inflamed.
他觉得耳朵眼儿里边疼, 医生说是发炎了。
Should you experience itching, burning or rash, discontinue use immediately and seek medical treatment.
如果发现有痒, 灼疼, 或皮疹立刻停止接触并马上去治疗。
While no scarring has been found to be associated with the rash, itching and scratching should be avoided.
This product may cause irritation, characterized by redness, burning, itching, peeling or possibly swelling.
As the tumor bad grown, it had compressed the nerves leading to Julian's anus and legs, causing itching and pain.
Two days after discharge the patient experienced intense itching all over the body , anxiety and severe insomnia.
出院两天后, 患者出现全身明显瘙痒, 焦虑和严重失眠。
In the hot summer, we should put talcum power on the baby after bathing to eliminate dampness and relieve itching.
This kind of lotion for external use can eliminate dampness and relieve itching. this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin
This kind of lotion for external use can eliminate dampness and relieve itching. this formula helps soothe dry, itchy skin.
He has hardly described the circle when he is already itching to go up to the village to drink tea, lounge about, and babble.
他还没画完圆圈, 就一心想到岸上村子里去喝茶, 逛荡, 聊天了。
Ku Bai was itching all over and the medicine Yi Hong had brought along was ineffective.All they could do was douse him with cold water.
The Theory that All kinds Diseases with Pain, Itching and Sore are Exclusively Related to the Heart Applies to the Treatment of Andrology Diseases