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单词 invigorate 例句大全,用单词invigorate造句:

In treatment, it is advisable to invigorate the lung and kidney, remove obstruction and activate blood circulation.
The science and educational work of higher agricultural colleges to invigorate agriculture under the new circumstance
Our efforts to open to the outside world and invigorate the domestic economy are bound to have some undesirable side effects.
开放, 搞活, 必然带来一些不好的东西
Two Cases with Infant Cough Treated by Ventilate Lung and Invigorate Spleen Combine with Promate Digestion and Remove food Stagnation
Kidney invigorate the circulation method, kidney and clear phlegm method, method of warming the kidney and dispelling cold, kidney qi method.

单词 invigorate 释义



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