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单词 italian 例句大全,用单词italian造句:

A group of Italian bootleggers who smuggied alcohol and whiskey in from the states.
They arrived at Gatwick airport on board a plane chartered by the Italian government.
In Genoa, the Italian Government will announce its substantial contribution to the fund.
在热那亚, 意大利政府将宣布他对基金的重要捐助。
The Italian proverb is a sadly apt footnote to the latest round of European shenanigans.
The Italian Space Agency and the German Aerospace Center are also part of the study team.
Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for an Italian or a person of Italian descent.
Ms. Murino is trilingual, she speaks French and English in addition to her native Italian.
女士穆里诺是语, 她讲法语和英语, 除了她的母语意大利语。
Schumacher visited the Spanish and Monaco Grand Prix so far as the Italian team's advisor.
Effects of Additional Nitrogen on Regrowth Yields and Feeding Qualities of Italian Ryegrass.
Italian Renaissance is one of the most important periods in the history of the western arts.
Can I ask you a comment on an alleged love story in the papers about you and an Italian girl.
From the Italian word analysis and the corresponding relations speaking, is more appropriate.
The two sides have played 14 Italian Cup matches for a total of 4 victories apiece and 4 draws.
The wonderful Italian architecture of this church has enchanted visitors for more than a century.
Bernabo Bocca, chairman of the Italian hoteliers association, described the results as a debacle.
COMPOSITION DIAGRAMSThe complex was designed to mimic an Italian manor in its spatial arrangement.
Italian coffee company has been in France benefit agricultural and industrial products quality certification.
German or Italian cultural centers that were built over centuries are reduced to soot and ashes in a brief hour.
Italian Minestrone Soup with Crispy Bacon Traditional Italian vegetable and pasta soup flavoured with crispy bacon
传统蔬菜汤配腌肉罗宋汤, 奶油磨菇汤
Preliminary Study on the Allelopathy of Italian Ryegrass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Creeping Bent Grass and White Clover
Artfully accompanies grilled red meats, ripe cheeses and savory dishes including spicy Italian and Mediterranean food.
与烤肉, 奶酪或意式和地中海风味的小吃搭配都有很好表现。
The Comparing and Analysing of Similarities and Differences of Arrangement of Chinese and Italian league Football Match Schedules.
According to Italian law, any ancient artefact found in a dig belongs to the state and cannot be sold or removed to another country.
最近, 意大利开始严厉打击艺术品非法买卖活动。
Tom sues the Italian for assault and wins, but Judge Driscoll, a firm believer in the duelling code, is outraged by the young man's resort to law.
The Italian actor Roberto Benigni has been described as Italy's Charlie Chaplin, but his recent internationally successful film Life is Beautiful has a serious settings.

单词 italian 释义

  • 单词释义:意大利人;意大利语;意大利国民  [更多..]



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