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单词 jake 例句大全,用单词jake造句:

Im interested to see that Alice and Jake are going out together.
I'm not your teacher anymore, jake. I'm just your fellow swimmer.
Jake would not countenance Janis' s marrying while still a student.
Her hand relaxed, slowly opened and lightly gripped onto Jake's ear.
那妇人的手开始放松, 慢慢打开, 然后轻轻握住杰克的耳朵。
Jake said that some parts were screechy and that she made it his own.
Jake had been an observant catholic and was in the hospital, near death.
But Jake just looked at then looked up at me and then back at the kitten.
但是, 杰克只是看看小猫, 瞧瞧我, 再看看小猫。
When Jake comes home to his Westside brownstone, it's to an extended family.
Quaritch SLASHES DOWN with the knife and Jake parries, blocking it with the cannon.
Jake banged his head hard when he was tackled, and he felt kind of weird afterward.
At the same moment, my eyes fell on jake, calmly observing everything going on around him.
与此同时, 我的目光落在杰克身上。
All he had to do was apologize to Aerie and all of this would be different, Victor told Jake.
Jake admitted he ate Annies cake. He apologized to Annie. No one knew Annie was such a good detective!
JAKE Technical difficulties! These arent technical difficulties. Someone is deliberately trying to hurt us.
This doesnt bode well for Peter, who is about to play in the final against cocky American superstar Jake Hammond.
彼得与莉丝在球场碰上, 迅即擦出恋火。

单词 jake 释义

  • 单词释义:满意的,上等的;满意的  [更多..]



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