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单词 intuition 例句大全,用单词intuition造句:

Then you can use your scientific training to find out if your intuition is correct.
Holistic practice draws on knowledge, theories, expertise, intuition, and creativity.
全面实践吸取知识, 理论, 知识, 直觉和创造性。
The Euclidean reason and aesthetic intuition stand in two poles of human intelligence.
He was also blessed with intuition and an invaluable ability to learn from experience.
Aesthetic subject used intuition instantly sensing object, and turn it into a free game.
审美主体运用直觉瞬间感应对象, 审美于是变成自由的游戏。
Learning to trust our intuition is something that can connect us with our higher selves.
Hence internality and intuition is the basically principals of transcendental philosophy.
With unerring intuition he brought together a remarkable collection of distinguished persons.
他知人善任, 邀集了一大批社会名流。
It is hard to justify itself, we need to depend on intuition and metaphysics, maybe guess also.
He disapproves intuitionism, and advocates dialectical understanding of the aesthetic intuition.
The right hemisphere of the brain is the seat of imagination, intuition, creation, and daydreaming.
Making decisions and taking action based on factual analysis, balanced with experience and intuition.
So far, a lot of colleague also benign and marvel at the Cheng step a keen sense of business intuition.
至今, 许多同行还惊叹着郑步良敏锐的商业直觉。
Common sense, or intuition, or selfevident truths derives from man's perceptions of the world about him.
常识, 或直觉, 或显然的事实, 来源于人们对周围世界的感觉。
Bergsonian intuition then consists in entering into the thing, rather than going around it from the outside.
柏格森的直觉于是就进入了事物, 而不是在外围绕着它打转。
So, there is only so much one can do with just ingenius ideas and creativity and good engineering intuition.
人们只能做这么多,非凡的点子 和有创造力的工程直觉。
If it was not aesthetic intuition, aesthetic subject could not achieve, it was impossible to realize the free.
没有审美直觉, 主体不可能实现审美, 也不可能实现自由。
Bergson's own method of intuition is supposed to restore the possibility of absolute knowledge and metaphysics.
In essence the ceremony involves the transportation of disturbing emotions into beneficial intuition and wisdom.
Third, be compatible with principles of living naturally without artificial purpose and understanding by intuition.
By this algorithm, the center parameters of the fuzzy membership functions can be properly determined by intuition.
Aesthetics of Literature art are the pervasion and combination of the perceptual intuition and the rational intuition.
The disappointed capitulation of logic, intuition and the movement on our hands, these things let us revert to simplicity.
And now lets just use the little bit of physical intuition that were thinking about here, to refine this just a little bit.
现在我们利用一些物理, 直觉来进一步, 确定这个问题。
Aesthetic sense of common sense will be the immediately instantaneous intuition by feeling the ultimate good of entity philosophy from the future time.

单词 intuition 释义

  • 单词释义:直觉;凭直觉感知的知识;直觉力  [更多..]



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