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单词 interview 例句大全,用单词interview造句:

The following is a partial transcript of the interview he gave today on ABC.
They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.
He's going to be in New York tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.
During the interview, an alarm clock went off from the candidate's briefcase.
She pulled off a great coup in getting the president to agree to an interview.
In this edition, we picked a new actress, Holly Wong, have an interview with us.
这一次, 本网找来新演员王学琳接受访问。
And when I arrived for interview, they offered me a cup of tea and I accepted it.
到达面试地点之后, 他们给了我一杯茶, 我喝了。
After interview accepted, additional documents listed above required from teacher.
In this event, this top hit Korean idol gladly accepted our magazine an interview.
在发布会现场, 这位人气爆棚的韩星欣然接受了本刊的专访。
Eddie, fresh out of accounting school, went to an interview for a good paying job.
埃迪刚刚从会计学校毕业, 去应聘一个薪酬丰厚的职位。
Asthe experts,we adopt questionnaire survey,and there are 7 experts the interview.
Can say, fully preparing for an interview is already half the success you interview.
可以说, 充份的面试准备工作已是你面试取得成功的一半。
Interview on the set of entry points for artistic aesthetics and community relations.
After the uneven bars competition ended, Yang Yi Lin has accepted the media interview.
All those admitted have two years'experience and go through an adjudication interview.
The study adopted the methods of document analysis, questionnaire survey and interview.
本研究采文献分析, 问卷调查及访谈法。
We will like to discuss the duration of the agency agreement with you at the interview.
On the audiences interview confirms Chinas legal system programming alienation reality.
He is an experienced football reporter, so the football star has accepted his interview.
A small group of villagers was hanging around, and the interview, was a communal affair.
一小群村民就在附近, 采访是一种公共事务。
Clark filed a against Dora for the bias she showed against him during his job interview.
克拉克对朵拉抱怨, 因为她在自己工作面试时显示出的偏见。
Effect of Preoperative Interview on Psychosomatic Status of Aged Gastric Cancer Patients.
Two or three days after the interview send a thank you note addressed to the interviewers.
面试之后的两天三天, 寄出你的感谢信给面试的工作人员。
The candidate will be informed of the date of final judging interview screening interview.
At the end of the speech, Ballmer immediately accepted an interview with the outside world.
在演讲结束后, 鲍尔默立即接受了外界的采访。

单词 interview 释义

  • 单词释义:面试;采访;面谈  [更多..]



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