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单词 introduce 例句大全,用单词introduce造句:

They introduce alcohol outside of ritual which exacerbates existing rivalries and leads to violence.
She is not the kind of person one can introduce into company; she is too fond of airing her opinions.
To introduce the concept and evaluated methods of wavefront aberration techniques and its development.
How can governments introduce national accounting systems which take into account environmental costs?
Let me take you to Africa again, and introduce you to one of my very favorite, the resurrection plant.
让我们再回到非洲 来看我最喜欢的一种植物 复活花
This question will introduce you to a method for comparing documents based on ideas in linear algebra.
Based on spatial domain watermarking algorithm introduce visible and invisible watermarking algorithm.
Mirror 2 is a spherical surface which will introduce spherical aberration to the system, but no coma.
Further develop the forest resources, and actively introduce funds, according to the edge of ore mined.
Objective To introduce a new method in the treatment of skin chalasis of the upper eyelid in aged people.
It aims to introduce a new way of understanding an indirect speech act between a speaker and an addressee.
This paper first to introduce the technology of the detection equipment about moths in agricultural field.
Introduce a simple means to adjust steel wire cords in winch promote, technology process, make use of tool.
This essay is to introduce the research of motherwort herb in pharmacological action and adverse drug reaction.
Pink Space coordinates lesbian and bisexual women activists to the conference to introduce their community development.
Introduce this special U.S. pilot experience, for hand machine maintenance treatment according to the actual situation.
今特介绍我们的试点经验, 供机手根据实际情况检修处理。
Authors mainly introduce quality control of allotype caisson in prefabrication, float transport and installation process.
At the same time, we allow a small private sector to develop, we absorb foreign capital and introduce advanced technology.
同时, 发展一点个体经济, 吸收外国的资金和技术。
After his opening words, the actor presented himself and recited a four-sentence poem to introduce the content of the opera .
The authors introduce the improvement strategies of each process stage systematically and comprehensively in genetic algorithm.
Get a Clear Understanding of the Situations Introduce the Whole System of Employment under Contract in an Active and Sound Manner
Westerners generally admire directness and thus when being introduce to another, a person will look directly at the other person.
西方人一般喜欢直来直去, 所以在被介绍时, 要直视对方。
Objective To introduce a certain surgery about the redundant prepuce resection which is accurately positioned before the operation.
The strategy of structural reform to separate government administration and enterprise management and introduce specialized management.
The purpose of the project is to introduce the concept of wavefront aberration and to evaluate its techniques and clinical applications.

单词 introduce 释义

  • 单词释义:引进;介绍;初次了解;主持;推行;创始;将…提交讨论;添入  [更多..]



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