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单词 invite 例句大全,用单词invite造句:

It is most thoughtful of you to invite me, and I warmly appreciate your hospitality.
For those whom the concept of ascension is new, we invite you to Intend to Ascend.
Invite them only on those occasions when their late arrival will not inconvenience you!
Whether do you feel wisdom couplet invite applications for a job faces similar problem ?
Wu Xuexian is not willing amputation, sent adjutant to invite Baiyao author Qu Huanzhang.
We invite all other States parties to ratify or accede to the Agreement as soon as possible.
Chairman of the Tourism Association would like to invite you to a Mongolian fire pot dinner.
To discuss attention questions of the medical equipment international invite tender and bid.
Mutually face of near, still have an advantage, we invite behind not very the clock can meet.
相临的近, 还是有好处的, 我们约后不出十分钟就可以见面。
I invite the Members of the Council to consultations following the adjournment of this meeting.
This match will only have 36 precious seats, we sincerely invite you to attend this tournament.
He knew an abundance of simple acts to propitiate and invite the approaches of the little people
Actuality Review and Developing Tendency of physic concentrating Invite Public Bidding and Purchase
He only taught in secondary schools in Tianjin, they had no need for him, invite him to the Academy.
You should invite your closest friends to begin with, and then see if there's room for anybody else.
Lobbied again and again by Ju scholars, Duke Ai of Lu finally agreed to invite Confucius as minister.
鲁哀公经不起儒派人士一再的游说, 决定聘请孔子为相。
We are now expanding our purchasing business activities and we invite applicants for the open positions.
When distributing news dispatches up to the reporter, activity of invite applications for a job still afoot.
截至记者发稿时, 招聘活动仍在进行中。
Undertake to what needing Electromechanical equipment to purchase home makes public invite public bidding now.
I venture to invite you to have a look at our stand, and you may rest assured that you will not be pressed to buy.
It is out of celebrity effect consideration to invite the famous movie queen to act in the cosmetics advertisement.
She will also invite the taxpayer to submit written representation with regard to the proposed additional tax assessment.
We plan to publish an annual anthology of poems and hereby warmly invite you to contribute your works to our opening project.
Introducer of join or be admitted to the party but by development him object invite, or by the party the organization is appointed.
You’re still all hurt because I didn’t invite you to my birthday party? I told you I could only invite 10 of my closest friends.

单词 invite 释义

  • 单词释义:邀请;请求;招致  [更多..]



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