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单词 intonation 例句大全,用单词intonation造句:

Combination Modes of Intonation Patterns of Odd and Even numbers of Sentences in Chinese.
T Read after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and stress. Go!
Accent is a combinatoin of three main components, intonation, liaisons and pronunciation.
The basic function of the Cantonese final particles is assisting the intonation to convey moods.
A falling intonation means you are sure. You only want to check that the information is correct.
The intonation and tone of the northern dialect reflect the forthright character of northerners.
In a mysterious, far place. The piano is intonation, facing the immemorial and dilapidated rampart.
遥远神秘的一方, 钢琴在轻轻唱, 满目古老破旧的城墙。
Moreover, the current study provides scientific evidence for crosslanguage comparison of intonation.
You can listen to more English programs, and imitate the speech sound and the intonation consciously.
多听些英语磁带, 有意识地模拟其中的语音语调。
Listen and practise this conversation in a shop. Notice the shop assistants polite, rising intonation.
English learners make a point of obtaining correct pronunciation and intonation at the very beginning.
In British EnglishBquitebcan have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence.
The intonation anomalous forms basic situation divides into the double word well distributed three tones.
以及声调变体的基本情况, 分为双字调和三字调。
Please read this dialog by yourselves and then read after the tape to check your pronunciation and intonation.
a Prononciation and Intonation Standard American or British Accent are preferred, as well as Standard Japanese.
语音语调应使用标准英国英语或美国英语, 标准日语。
When energy flows unobstructed the flux remains relativity even though there is always intonation at all times.
It would be impossible to have every single interpretation of accents, intonation and pauses coded into a program.
Study on English Stress, Rhythm and Intonation Concerning their Features of Message Transmission in Connected Speech
The pronunciation aspect, in the syllable structure the vowel gets the advantage, each syllable all has the intonation
语音方面, 音节结构中元音占优势, 每个音节都有声调
No doubt that English pronunciation is important, but compared with English intonation, the latter is much more important.
英语语音固然重要, 但同语调相比, 语调更重要。
I have often heard people repeat, complete with inflection and intonation, words spoken to them more than forty years earlier.
Absorb intonation, deeply saw the larvae of mosquito Ying creature signed to the woman in the rains and winds, pondering a way.
吸口气, 深深看了孑孓盈立于风雨中的女子, 沉吟着道。
Listen to people asking and answering questions. Notice the intonation. The voice rises in the questions, and falls in the answers.
听问答对话。注意问题用升调, 回答用降调。
Part three give a emphasized analysis on the peculiarity of its sing in performances. Including the dialect and intonation and the applying of tune.
This article makes detailed research based on exhaustive theory analysis and personal performing practice on the intonation problem in Erhu performance.

单词 intonation 释义

  • 单词释义:语调,声调;[乐]发声,转调;[宗]吟诵;语音的抑扬  [更多..]



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