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单词 intimate 例句大全,用单词intimate造句:

Secondly, Collegiate learningics have very extensive and intimate relation with outside.
Will you pour out your intimate feelings to your intimate friends when you are not happy?
Sharing a meal especially with candlelight and a bottle of rose can be loving and intimate.
Although the relation mollified many, exactly dont calculate special of chance intimate with.
The intimate pleasure in wearing the Celestial Clothes overshadows that of all other clothes.
Becoming a woman's friend and confidant is not going to get you into an intimate relationship.
To me, being in the space of an intimate connection with someone is a very joyful place to be.
For the perverse man is an abomination to Jehovah, But His intimate counsel is with the upright.
Her moral communications with him had never been sufficiently intimate to counteract the effect.
Once you have your arbor, you can use it as a backdrop for intimate weddings and for entertaining.
After get here, transform intimate with most nothing is better than at the brocade lotus with her.
自从到了这里之后, 和她最亲近的莫过于锦莲了。
Firstly, it concludes that there is an intimate relationships between Uyghur social life and Bazar.
The foundation of this rule is a loyalty based on the Confucian tradition of intimate filial piety.
Formal dress dictated that females wear such intimate, and often uncomfortable articles of clothing.
The friend that perhaps looks for an intimate chats, the heart that gives oneself commentate pressure.
The face coat preferably comprises an intimate mixture of a refractory material and the imaging agent.
In our intimate personal relationships there is also a great deal of cruelty, anger, hurting each other.
It also means, however, that there is an intimate Liberian connection with these deceptive diamond transactions.
Several intimate friends participate in the wedding ceremony achievement accompanying, including best man and bridesmaid.
The bomb was dropped as an act of revenge 4 pearl harbour attack but it was also used to intimate the Soviet Union in the post war era
Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital a patient is being treated for a traumatic head wound that causes him to blurt out his most intimate thoughts.
Looks back on the deepening shades of dusk, the green hill buries as if academic honor, running water meeting intimate friend, altogether this time light.
The doctrine of the Great learning is to enlighten the brilliant virtue, to make intimate association with people, and to strive to attain the highest accomplishment.
大学之道在明明德, 在亲民, 在止于至善。
Import models reportedly lack many specific features found in Legend PCs ; based on its intimate market knowledge, Legend tailors its machines to meet consumers needs.
The other baby was born into an intimate Pacific island nation society of not much more than 100,000 people, living and trading in networks of family and personal associations.

单词 intimate 释义

  • 单词释义:亲密的,亲近的;私人的,个人的;内部的;直接的  [更多..]



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