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单词 ioc 例句大全,用单词ioc造句:

The president of the IOC gives the closing speech at the closing ceremony.
在闭幕式上, 国际奥委会主席致闭幕词。
The IOC oversees such function as determining the site of the Olympic Games.
In conclusion, may this 120th plenary session of IOC enjoy complete success !
最后, 预祝国际奥委会第一百二十次全会圆满成功!
The IOC oversees such functionsas deter mining the site of the Olymopic Games.
He said, according to US laws, IOC had no right to view the evidences collected by FBI.
他说, 依据美国法律, 国际奥会无权过目联调局所搜集的证据。
The delegation salute the Head of State and the president of the IOC as they walk past their box.

单词 ioc 释义

  • 单词释义:immediate or cancel 直接或取消;in our culture 在我们文化中;initial operational capability 最初运转性能  [更多..]



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