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单词 invalidate 例句大全,用单词invalidate造句:

And a lot of times, data designs change enough to invalidate previous motivations.
而且在许多时候, 数据设计可足以导致以前动机失效。
The relationship is maintained by disallowing any changes that would invalidate it.
之后, 通过禁止会使关系无效的任何更改来维持此关系。
This allows you to invalidate cache entries programmatically that are created by the
这允许您从自己的代码页中, 以编程方式使
The fact that a birth was not registered did not invalidate the right to nationality.
A lawyer suggested Peng could file an administrative litigation to invalidate the divorce.
A complementary method is to invalidate the cached entry when the underlying data changes.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may authorize other agencies to revoke or invalidate a visa.
Printing and other quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim.
Instruction to invalidate the instruction cache line that will contain the modified instruction.
指令, 使将要存放修改后指令的指令高速缓存行无效。
Acknowledges that the action taken by this stored procedure may invalidate an existing snapshot.
And third, the Court would invalidate laws that it believed were in conflict with the Constitution.
Invalidate the Message Agent truncation point at the consolidated database using the following command.
the State Council foreign trade department may concurrently invalidate his business license for foreign trade.
Also, this Security Update will invalidate the usernames and passwords stored in Internet Explorers protected store.
而且, 此安全更新还将使用户名合密码无效。
In the contrary situation, they do not entirely invalidate or counterbalance the particular accidental determination.
Deleting root certificate will invalidate the trusted root certificate authorities. Do you wish to delete the certificate?

单词 invalidate 释义

  • 单词释义:使无效;使作废;证明…错误;使站不住脚  [更多..]



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