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单词 invade 例句大全,用单词invade造句:

A country can't invade its neighbourjust because it covets its wealth and resources.
The decision to invade North Africa necessitated a complete reversal in our thinking.
Heading the ball in Soweto Approximately 483, 000 soccer fans are expected to invade.
They follow me, invade my sleep, scoff at The dream that turned to ashes in my hands!
When Balrogs invade the shell op, you better avoid them. The cabin is the safest place!
当蝙蝠魔侵入船的时候, 你更好避开它。船舱是最安全的处所!
Under esophageal carcinoma can invade and liver, diaphragm, liver and cardiac left lobe.
In USA's science fiction film, they suspect extraterrestrial creature will invade earth.
acquire nutrients more successfully, invade the body, they'll be selected for by evolution.
更好的吸收营养 侵入机体 他们则被自然保留
The infection can progress to septicaemic plague when the bacteria invade the blood stream.
The enemy had started to invade the land and the situation on the border was very critical.
敌兵入侵, 边界有燃眉之急。
He does not feel that foreign troops will invade the U.S. due to lack of cash by the Cabal.
他不认为外国军队会入侵美国, 因为阴谋集团缺乏现款
He may genuinely believe, just as the Soviets did, that the USA intends to invade his country.
正像苏联那样, 他可能打心底里认为美国有入侵的企图。
Alliedtroops in World War II invade Europe. Theyland on the treacherous beaches of Normandy, France.
Because muscle of lip, tongue, soft palate suffers, invade, occurrence compose sonic barrier hinders.
The decision to invade the Soviet Union was taken by general Ion Antonescu, without consulting anyone.
When those for war invade other countries out of selfish motives, their own people also suffer deeply.
How much longer it will be before they invade the rich uplands of the continental shelf is hard to say.
Rhizobia proliferate along the infection thread and eventually invade the cytoplasm of root cortical cells.
Only thereafter, after the Austrian army had been disarmed, Italian soldiers could finally invade SouthTyrol.
Research on Method to Make Sure Damage Threshold of Invade and Dynamite Cluster Missile Attacking Airdrome Target
Nasal mucus is the first line of defense against the millions of bacteria that constantly try to invade the body.
The tumor was found at autopsy to invade the tail of the pancreas, left kidney, transverse colon, and abdominal wall.
The microbes invade into the amnion by many ways, the common way is ascending infection from the lower genital tract.
The injecting pressure is undue as the plugging fluid might invade into the zones to be mobilized under high injecting pressure s.
Phage uses the bacterium's machinery and energy to produce more phage until the bacterium is destroyed and phage is released to invade surrounding bacteria.

单词 invade 释义

  • 单词释义:侵入,侵略;进行侵略;蜂拥而入,挤满;(疾病,声音等)袭来,侵袭  [更多..]



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