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单词 interested 例句大全,用单词interested造句:

As always, John is only interested in how to turn the situation to his own advantage.
Only interested in them tracking their percentage revenues similar to affiliate scheme.
There were many that were absolutely interested, but none that could get there by today.
有许多非常感兴趣, 但是没有人可以直道今天。
As a security aficionado, I was interested in his reply to something Nielsen had written.
Empoli defender Andrea Raggi admits he would be interested in moving to Lazio this summer.
All I am interested in is to be able to enjoy good foods and to be able to talk about them.
When you absorbing topics and those you are not interested in, you remember the preferable.
So it's not just academic researchers in universities that are interested in this organism.
并不只有大学里的学术研究者们 对这个生物感兴趣。
It depends on the location in the material. Are you interested in a front or back paper ad?
And they are very, very eagerly interested to get advice, and that's to survive in poverty.
农民非常渴望得到建议 这就是贫困线以下的生活
We're interested in finding beauty that's more than just an aesthetic, it's really a truth.
我们对寻找悦目外的美有兴趣 这是真的
If you are interested in learning something new,think about taking an adult education class.
Adopt automatic enrollment method for employees, are interested in the free elective courses.
员工采自动报名方式, 自由选修有兴趣的课程。
The ordinary man is more interested in news than he is in political doctrines or abstract ideas.
Juventus coach Didier Deschamps admits he's interested in Manchester United fullback Gaby Heinze.
Are you interested in most advanced technology and latest achievements? Please drop in at our shop.
eg Pam isnt interested in your personality. Shes only interested in your money. Shes a gold digger!.
The plaintiff is of legally interested in revocation or alteration of the specific administrative action.
We note your are interested in walnut meat but regret to advise that this item is not available at present.
尤其在介绍目录中的商品项目时常用此词, 如
For the first time since my illness,I became interested,and laid down my money on those abhorred tables.
He is obsessed with playing games, so he's not interested in studying and his achievements have dropped off.
Properties that are interested in participating in activation and that might have not provided a message sink.
The Society is also interested in the implementation of the programmes of actions adopted by these conferences.
We are interested in elliptical galaxies acting as lenses, in particular, those with dispersion velocity measurement.
我们对椭圆星系透镜有兴趣, 尤其是有速度测量的。
An adult catechism course is run annually for adults who are interested in or looking forward to take up the Catholic belief.

单词 interested 释义

  • 单词释义:感兴趣的;利益相关的  [更多..]



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