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单词 intense 例句大全,用单词intense造句:

After two teams, launches the intense seesaw battle, the score is also rises alternately.
Effects of exposure to intense noise on acute and chronic injury of gastric mucosa in rats
Intense, abrupt warming episodes appeared more than 20 times in the Greenland ice records.
To the enterprise character, adumbrative move is round of competition will be more intense.
For days afterward I endured cold silence from my father and intense glares from my mother.
Interval training alternates short bursts of intense activity with lower intensity activity.
There's an intense argument about the reform or the abolishment of People's Assessors System.
In addition to the light it emits, the sun puts out intense stream of fast, ionized particles.
The core of the anticlinal fold, which is squeezed between faults, underwent intense crushing.
They abused their power and bullied the people, thus arousing intense discontent among the masses.
Sports people have a special need for adequate iron intake both before and after intense training.
体育运动员特别需要有足够的铁摄入量, 在激烈的训练中。
The propaganda war was becoming intense, with both sides bluffing in the hope of gaining an advantage.
Additional research and a need to be immaculate with your paperwork will require intense concentration.
额外的研究及文书作业的完美需求, 需要非常专注。
Rudimentary agriculture and the intense use of natural resources have increased degradation of the land.
Generation and Transmission of Intense Relativistic Annular Electron Beam without Guiding Magnetic Field
Summarization of Chamber Barrier Alteration of Intense Heat Booster in No. 8 Steam Turbine of QingzhenPower Plant
Two days after discharge the patient experienced intense itching all over the body , anxiety and severe insomnia.
出院两天后, 患者出现全身明显瘙痒, 焦虑和严重失眠。
The physiological feature and evaluation of acclimatized effect of training in intense heat and moisture environment
Yeast extracts typically intensify and round out flavors and provide intense meaty notes in appropriate applications.
In has made the intense response after the media, Luff approximately Balac is speaking facetoface as soon as possible.
在对媒体发表了激烈的回应后, 勒夫正在约巴拉克尽快面谈。
The government has tasked the UK Border Agency with carrying out an intense period of enforcement activity over the summer.
Too much intense aerobic activity can harm female fertility by reducing production of the hormone progesterone and inhibiting ovulation.
The business world has always been a cauldron of personal animosity, and those animosities have been particularly intense in Silicon Valley.
It was probably most intense in Britain, whose public schools at midcentury had adopted a particularly severe system of sorting by test at age 11.
She tackles the topics which come her way large and small, intense and light-hearted with equal parts of serious advice, reference to social and psychological experts, and a good helping of wit.

单词 intense 释义

  • 单词释义:热情的,强烈的,紧张的;热烈的,热情的,认真的;[摄](底片)明暗度强的;有强烈感情(或意见、想法)的  [更多..]



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