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单词 instrumental 例句大全,用单词instrumental造句:

Music An instrumental composition consisting of a succession of dances in the same or related keys.
A giant of physics, he helped develop quantum theory and was instrumental in building the atomic bomb.
Shareholders'client query is an instrumental right to fulfill beneficial rights and procedural rights.
It is no exaggeration to say that Mitterrand was instrumental in making EEC cooperation a possibility.
Instrumental analysis can be divided into elemental analysis and compound and molecule specific analysis.
Instrumental classes will take place as scheduled.Students concerned please attend the lesson punctually.
The unity of the instrumental and humanism attributes, is the basic characteristics of Chinese subject.
I hope that the United Nations and the Council will be instrumental in assisting in security matters, too.
This programme featrues Italian and English madrigals, French chanson and instrumental music in Renaissance.
Also accumulated examples and materials for the further system research of instrumental music teaching method.
The remaining modes in which labour is indirectly instrumental to production,may be arranged under five heads.
Then according to the accompaniment, we divide choir into A Cappella and Choir With Instrumental Accompaniment.
Instrumental variable analysis was used to address potential biases associated with unmeasured confounding variables.
It was an important way to develop the Chinese traditional instrumental pieces that derived them from the vocal ones.
Music An instrumental composition written for a small ensemble and having characteristics of the suite and the sonata.
This course is designed to acquaint the students with the soil analysis in advance techniques and instrumental methods.
The procedure should be sequentially followed by extraction and separation, chemical analysis and instrumental analysis.
该程序应遵循顺序萃取和分离, 化学分析和仪器。
Diversification of tune in Taoist music was also embodied in its transformation from vocal music into instrumental music.
道教曲牌音乐的多元化, 还表现在它由声乐向器乐的转变。
It is an instrumental approach to acquaint oneself with the culture of the target language in second language acquisition.
在二语习得中, 阅读是了解目标语言文化的重要途径。
He was instrumental in providing the excellent facilities of the Drug Information Center Conference room for the sessions.
This concert of Chinese and Western instrumental ensemBle shows the natural comBination of graceful Eastern and Western styles.
这台中西乐器合奏音乐会, 是优雅的东西方风格的天然结合。
According to the traditional classification, analytical chemistry can be divided into chemical analysis and instrumental analysis.
About the Positive Roles of the Caption Titles of the Chinese Instrumental Music on Musical Creation, Performance and Appreciation
Looking at the Change of Musical Instrumental Suspension System of Zhou Dynasty from Musical Archeology Discoveries in Shandong Province
Douglas A.Skoog, F.James Holler, Timothy A.Nieman, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Fifth Edition, Harcourt Brace College Publisher, USA. 1998.
陈贻文, 李庆宏, 黄文量编。有机仪器分析。湖南大学出版社, 1999年。

单词 instrumental 释义

  • 单词释义:乐器的;仪器的;有帮助的;起作用的  [更多..]



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