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单词 instructor 例句大全,用单词instructor造句:

And I did, and I learned to fly upside down and became an aerobatics flying instructor.
The source materials need to be approved by the instructor before the paper is written.
and then beneath the instructor are the students, and they're all having a conversation.
It works best for you when your instructor uses the blackboard or an overhead projector.
它最适合你, 当你的作品教练黑板或投影机的用途。
Not wearing uniforms Zhang instructor today, otherwise, I also wonder if I got it wrong.
The courseware should be fully and easily accessible to student or instructor population.
A company political instructor, for instance, should learn how to do his job competently.
Accordingly, his peers judged him an inept instructor and illsuited to a scholarly career.
因此, 他的同事断定他作为讲师不称职, 不适合学者事业。
Book will also include an accompanying Web Site with both instructor and student resources.
The instructor will guide the beginner through each stage, pointing out pitfalls along the way.
If you cannot arrive at a satisfactory solution, then discuss the problems with your instructor.
达不成满意得解决方案得话, 再找老师商谈。
Our instructor is showing the sound production of the reeds for Bassoon, a bass woodwind instrument
Each class will conclude a brief outline of the following week's class introduced by the instructor.
This list has been compiled by the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, not the course instructor.
Students who are consistently tardy to class may be counted as an absence at the discretion of the instructor.
对于上课经常迟到的学生, 任课教师可视其情况按缺勤处理。
These abstracts serve as the lecture notes for the course, appended with a final commentary by the instructor.
这些摘要是课程的课堂笔记, 附有讲师的最后评论。
Lin Chong, the hero of The Water Margin, is chief military instructor of eight hundred thousand imperial guard troops.
Mr Ivan Choi, Senior Instructor Department of Government and Public Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
I doubt whether John is cut out for a doctor, with his interest in athletics he would make a better physical instructor.
以他对运动方面的兴趣, 他能成为一个较好的体育教员。
Objective To summarize the succession of pediatric clinical instructor use by the side of experience and academic thought.
Collect data according to a formative evaluation plan for a given set of instructional materials or instructor presentation
I packed my stuff into a U-Haul and headed to Colorado to become an instructor at Outward Bound, the wilderness-education program.
Avoid doing this pose if you have chronic spine or back injury. Also, perform this only under the supervision of a Yoga instructor.
Instructor dialectical accurate, precise and appropriate selection Prescription, and therefore a significant effect, to cure the patient.
A flight instructor case of left renal colic returned to flight after treatment followed by right renal calculus found in annual examination.

单词 instructor 释义

  • 单词释义:n.教师,<美>讲师  [更多..]



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