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单词 instruction 例句大全,用单词instruction造句:

All staff shall be evacuated under the instruction given by the station control room agent.
Design for blower static blade angle of electric displacement instruction and its application
Effect of dental health instruction on dental anxiety of patients undergoing tooth extraction
Accept my sincere thanks for your kind instruction, which has left a lasting impression on me.
The Client acknowledges that an instruction may be cancelled or amended only before execution.
客户确认, 一项指示只可以在其执行前, 取消或修改。
The firm made the decision of refusal to advertise their products upon executives'instruction.
基于高阶主管的指示, 公司已作出拒绝宣传他们产品的决策。
Emergent instruction a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
However to attempt to fly any aircraft without professional instruction is extremely foolhardy.
然而, 试图在任何飞机飞行专业教学是极其愚蠢。
A generalized instruction representing a predefined sequence of assembler language instruction.
Instruction to invalidate the instruction cache line that will contain the modified instruction.
指令, 使将要存放修改后指令的指令高速缓存行无效。
Research on Advanced Vocational Data Structure Visualization Instruction Based on Super Sketchpad
Analytic Judgement on Instruction and Inheritance of Eight Major Traumatology Schools in Shanghai
Emergent instruction is a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
Aesthetical Mathematics Education under Ecological Environment in Mathematics Classroom Instruction
Each instruction in the high level language is executed before the next instruction is interpreted.
Other research has found that early didactic instruction might actually worsen academic performance.
Our dance studio teaches children and adults and provides dance instruction in tap, jazz and ballet.
So that to achieve real time data transferring to host computer and receiving host computer instruction.
Under the instruction of deontology, the goal of administrative responsibility is to realize the justice.
在道义论理论指导下, 行政责任的目标就是实现社会公正。
Finally, the analysis method was used to analyze the information literacy conception influence on the instruction.
a cheque is an instruction in writing from the account holder to the bank to pay out a sum of money from the account.
他开出一张1, 000美元的支票并将其给了秘书。
Universals in Second Language Acquisition, Effects of Foreign Language Instruction and Reform of College English Teaching
Instruction would be given by the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theories.
Instruction scheduling is used to exploit the instruction level parallelisminherent in program through reordering its instructions.
There shall be an instruction plate attached to the fume hood exterior. The instruction plate shall be constructed from corrosion resistant material.

单词 instruction 释义

  • 单词释义:指示;教学;用法说明;计算机指令  [更多..]



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