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单词 insanity 例句大全,用单词insanity造句:

The insanity crept up on us slowly we just wanted what was best for our kids.
渐渐的, 我们开始变得疯狂我们只想给孩子最好的。
We cant wait to see how the insanity is multiplied when they all get together!
Her intemperance will entail the curse of insanity upon her innocent children.
The theme of insanity has recently become a staple in literature, art, drama and film.
精神错乱近来已成为文学, 艺术, 戏剧和电影的主题。
hemiplegy, hemiplegia icterus, jaundice indigestion influenza, flu insanity leukemia malaria
精神病白血病疟疾黄疸偏瘫, 半身不遂消化不良流感
The vast majority of states allow criminal defendants to invoke the cognitive insanity defense.
Gill has always seemed a bit strange,but I believe theres a history of insanity on the fathers side.
Madge Wildfire, who, among other indications of insanity, had a most overweening opinion of those charms.
In a moment of temporary insanity, your guy pal goes in for a crazy perm that leaves him looking more like Ronald McDonald.
因一时的狂热, 你的朋友烫了一个卷发, 看起来酷似罗纳尔多。

单词 insanity 释义

  • 单词释义:疯狂;精神失常;精神病  [更多..]



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