Objective To explore internet use motivation of the undergraduates addicted to internet.
Some Internet users said thread, the video of men and women like Zhanjiang dialect accent.
Relatively simple equipment requirements, just at least one computer with Internet access.
And the Internet is great for collecting words, because the Internet's full of collectors.
Je surfe souvent sur internet pour envoyer un email ou pour faire des achats par internet.
Internet Service Provider includes Internet Access Provider and Internet Content Provider.
In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.
为了避免网络堵塞, 我们最好错开上网时间。
In order to avoid pressure on the Internet, we'd better stagger our Internet surfing times.
为了避免网络拥堵, 我们最好错时上网。
One thing that we do know that the internet is doing is, the internet is assisting these guys.
我们知道网络对于犯罪者而言 是帮助犯罪的工具
One would say internet Internet providers could not discriminate against content or applications.
Internet currency is a new means of payment which has emerged together with internet transaction.
According to a 2006 study by CNCC, 13% of internet users under the age of 18 are internet addicts.
Internet bar boss sees state, persuaded him to leave an Internet bar with the policeman instantly.
网吧老板见状, 立即和民警将他劝离了网吧。
The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web.
The computer and Internet techniques have promoted the development of Internet psychology counseling.
The iBook provides wireless Internet access via AirPort, a specially designed wireless link to local computer networks.
Cable systems operated by Amsterdam-based UPC, offer phone, Internet access and cable television services in 12 European countries.
An Analysis of Internet Addiction Its Negative Impacts and Precautions against Becoming an Internet Junkie in Young College Students
Take the broadband internet, where the debate over national comparisons has been particularly lively. Incentives abound to inflate numbers.
以宽带互联网为例, 人们有许多动机夸大用户数量。
It's been estimated that a whopping 60% of all employees with desktop Internet access go online at least once daily for non-business activities.
Methods of Abbreviating Titles of Periodicals Published in Western Languages on Internet Web and How to Revert Their Original Titles from Abbreviation
Even the Internet itself is being reborn as the Wireless Internet, with a horde of various NASDAQ companies offering novel ways to connect sans cords.
Canadians who have signed up for a free Internet postbox can get their mail through any computer that has an Internet browser equipped with 128-bit encryption.
The advent of programmable, nanoscale machines will extend the Internet to things the size of molecules that can be injected under the skin, leading to Internet-enabled people.
Hee is in Montgomery Blair' s 400-student magnet science program, which boasts two state-of-the-art computer labs, Internet access and teachers who have been trained in the latest technology.