Proceedings to sell and dispose of assets for distribution to creditors in accordance with the insolvency law.
Many insolvency laws adopt the general cessation of payments standard for debtor applications for liquidation.
This Chapter examines the effects of insolvency proceedings on the enforcement rights of the secured creditor.
This approach is consistent with a general objective of an insolvency regime of transparency and predictability.
Upon the making of a proposal for reorganization the court shall appoint a preliminary insolvency representative.
经提出重组建议后, 法院应任命一名初步的破产代表。
The LAB noted the progress of the provision of financial assistance to the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund.
The conference examined the areas of contention at the intersection of secured transactions and insolvency reform.
The XHYT Group buckled under $80 billion worth of debt to become the largest case of corporate insolvency in history.
where it is unable to continue its operation due to insolvency and such termination is approved by the examination and approval authorities.
因资不抵债无法继续办学, 并经审批机关批准的。