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单词 inherent 例句大全,用单词inherent造句:

Discusses the inherent relation between ontology and international patent classification.
Steam gasification of the lignite char is catalyzed by the inherent minerals in raw lignite.
Perfecting local tax system in china is the inherent demand of classification of tax system.
It is probable that this vanishing of hell in our rear is inherent to the arrival of paradise.
This kind of means can assure the identity of the member and grade close, form inherent group.
这种方式可以保证会员的身份和品位相近, 形成固有团体。
The Analysis and Calculation of the Inherent Frequency of Longitudinal Vibration of Rod String
Buckling of thin to butt weld was investigated using inherent strain method as an equivalent load.
More broadly, some of the contradictions inherent in the economic rebound are coming to the surface.
The right of expulsion has been characterized as an inherent attribute of the sovereignty of every State.
While carrying on the traditonal culture, we should also criticise the inherent weakness of our national.
Gloomy colour and profound pathos Discussion on inherent significance in the three major tragedy of Cao Yu
With that shift, she subtly modeled both the risk inherent in an adventure activity and its potential value.
In contrast to its inherent symbolism, the bowl is opulently lined with silk and threaded with gold brocade.
全身由固体黄金和珍珠覆盖, 雕塑高21英尺, 重超过42磅。
The Kaldorei civilization grew strong there, thanks to the mystic energies inherent in the Well of Eternity.
The initial moisture content of the specimen and sires level can influence the degree of inherent anisotropy.
Effects Of Inherent and Induced Anisotropy on Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Compacted Cohesive Soil
The international community must also address the unfairness inherent in the current international financial system.
A computer testing system developed to analyze the inherent vibration frequency of cantilever structure is described.
The privileges and freedoms inherent in selfgovernment are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.
自治所固有的特权和自由, 是与公民义务及责任相辅相成的。
According to gas lubrication theories, the mathematical model of aerostatic bearing with inherent orifice was developed.
With his inherent love of life, he started meeting people socially again, although he abstained from alcohol and cigarettes.
taking out of the inherent strength, and willing to accept the challenge of life, showing your humility and confidence to deity.
愿意去接受这个生活的挑战, 对神展露你的谦卑和信心。
The academic foundation of the criminal record institution is the inherent unification of Nemesis foundation and utilitarian target.
Objective To examine that how the state anxiety before college entrance examination was affected by the inherent psychological factors.
The experience enforced his passionate interest in botanical drugs and fostered in him a great respect for the inherent power of the mind-body connection and its potential importance in medicine.

单词 inherent 释义

  • 单词释义:固有的,内在的;天生  [更多..]



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