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单词 infuse 例句大全,用单词infuse造句:

Infuse in tea pour hot water into the teapot unhurried, so that the tealeaves will spread without stewed and harmed fresh flavor.
泡茶, 向茶壶中注入沸水, 动作宜慢, 避免茶叶因烫熟而变味。
Boiled water enters the tea infusing chamber through a connecting tube to infuse the tea which is infused in the tea infusing chamber.
Intracardiac catheterization to the left ventricle was done after thoracotmy to infuse microsphere suspension into general circulation.

单词 infuse 释义

  • 单词释义:灌输,加入(一种特性);使充满;浸渍;鼓舞,激发  [更多..]



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