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单词 inflexible 例句大全,用单词inflexible造句:

Some people relapse catharsis or expression are inflexible ceremonial appearance movement.
Although integral collocation is comprehensive, but always give a person inflexible sense.
The civil service is too inflexible to cope with the speed of change in the commercial sector.
Overly modular designs can be as deadly and difficult to maintain as extremely inflexible designs.
All I ask is, that Villefort will be firm and inflexible for the future in his political principles.
至少, 维尔福将来一定不会再动摇了。
He even goes so far as to say that the inflexible austerity of one man is the foundation of a republic.
他甚至说, 一个人的柯刻节俭是共和国的基础。
He possessed the broadbrush lineament, the dusky complexion and the broad square jaws with inflexible will.
他有一张粗线条的脸庞, 皮肤微黑, 阔大, 坚毅的方下巴。
Silicon photodetectors suffer, though, from a handicap they are inflexible. Nor are they particularly cheap.
Terminal patient countenance is inflexible, mouth half pieces, assume giggle position, have diagnostic sex quite.
She rejected him with an inflexible and unmistakable determination, and she barred the door of her bedroom forever.
It took carpal tunnel syndrome and an inflexible corporate environment for me to realize that I desperately needed a change.
在一个灵活的企业环境中, 我认识到, 我迫切需要改变。
The inflexible approach of the time of planned economy, which was controlling, blocking and suppressing, should have been abandoned already.
The amount of expenses for subsidization of the sick and wounded in army is rigid and inflexible, with which the army hospitals serve the troops.

单词 inflexible 释义

  • 单词释义:僵硬的,不可弯曲的;不屈服的;不能转变的;坚定不移的  [更多..]



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