The New Year Concert of Beijing has become a great event of music with internationally significant effect.
The lessons that she goes through do not conform with the internationally received standard of human rights.
We expect to grow domestically and internationally through new product development, sales, and acquisitions.
Internationally, the situation is complicated and changeable, and competition is becoming increasingly acute.
在国际, 形势复杂多变, 竞争更加激烈。
Adherence to internationally accepted standards of nuclear safety was a key factor for successful development.
The correlation between good governance and peace and prosperity is valid both domestically and internationally.
Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally.
The financial crisis internationally highlights the mode transformation problems of economic development in China.
In the era of globalization, this is true for companies that operate both internationally as well as domestically.
Namibia is committed to the principle of freer trade and the movement of the factors of production internationally.
However, that principle did not contradict the principle of State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts.
但是, 这项原则与国家对国际不法行为的责任原则没有矛盾。
UNIDO is assisting in the development of internationally recognized certification services in a number of countries.
Internationally accepted practices such as purchase rebates, and mortgage interest to offset the personal income tax.
The peaceful nature of these transformations has been recognized internationally as a tremendous political achievement.
and to the green line, which is the internationally recognized boundary between Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
转而迁到绿线上 也就是国际公认的 巴以领土分界线上
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, Including Diplomatic Agents
Be Compatible with Internationally Accepted Practices by Pursuing Inviting Tender without Bottom Price in Building Engineering
同国际接轨, 推行建设工程无标底招标
Part three of the present draft defines the legal consequences of internationally wrongful acts of international organizations.
Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy.
他们争执了一番, 最后牧师同意她们离开修道院度周末。
Exert the function of the nongovernmental mass organizations to promote the internationally scientific and technological cooperation.
The modern inner conviction system is internationally identified since it has critically inherited the traditional inner conviction system.
Design, manufacturing and marketing of manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic balancing machines and balance machine technology internationally.
The accounting of the joint venture company shall adopt the internationally used accrual Basis and debit and credit accounting system in their work.
A Green Card is an internationally recognized document that serves as evidence that the holder has the minimum insurance cover required by law in the country visited.
The Italian actor Roberto Benigni has been described as Italy's Charlie Chaplin, but his recent internationally successful film Life is Beautiful has a serious settings.