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单词 intercept 例句大全,用单词intercept造句:

The paper also said law enforcement agencies have failed to intercept chats on the BlackBerry Messenger platform.
Then quadrate method and line intercept method are adopted to investigate plants in these ecological environments.
然后, 在各个生境内采用样方法和样线法调查植物物种。
No government at a lower level may use or intercept budgetary funds belonging to the government at a higher level.
No complainant shall be allowed to blockade or attack any State organ or intercept any vehicle on official duties.
Fall victim Internet bar passes monitoring intercept lie the evidence that spacer screen provides executive attack.
Conversely, the Intercept of trend curve on the vertical coordinate will be the value of electrofiltration potential.
Its possible to intercept the signal only if youre standing directly between the transmission point and the receiving end.
But rather, it is their leaves that are adapted to intercept the dissolved nutrients that come to them in the form of mist and fog.
但他们的叶子能够 截留以薄雾形式出现的已溶解的营养物
The incoming enemy aircraft flight, the aircraft carrier. Quickly fired missiles to intercept them ah Operations Guide mouse control!
快点开炮拦截下来啊!操作指南鼠标控制, 点击开火!

单词 intercept 释义

  • 单词释义:拦截,拦住;截球;截击;拦阻  [更多..]



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