They inhabit a tough, violent world where nihilism rules. There is little hope, little sun and no joy.
Microbes are finely tuned to inhabit specific chemical or physical niches where theyve got an advantage.
They breed and inhabit in the land, fish shellfish in the tideland, and take fish and krill in the ocean.
And yet, at this moment a moment that will define a generation it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all.
此时此刻, 一个划时代的时刻, 必须让这种精神永驻你我心间。
To counteract the discomfort that inhabit the anxious person, she bites her fingers nervously and manipulate objects.
为了抑制这种不适, 她会神经质地咬手指头或操控物品。
The blood viscosity was increased significantly during the early stage of inhabit highland, and restored normal in late stage.
Although man has invented machines for flying and swimming, they are never as well-adapted to air and water as the creatures born to inhabit those elements.