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单词 inspector 例句大全,用单词inspector造句:

The report said the pipeline agency was hampered by a chronic inspector shortage.
Quality inspection of electronic watch will be carried out by appointed inspector.
Marius took his key from his waistcoat pocket, handed it to the inspector and added
马吕斯从背心口袋里掏出他的钥匙, 递了给侦察员, 说
The inspector adult, thank you to send me, thanks, hope hereafter can still see you
No public officer below the rank of mechanical inspector shall appointed as an inspector.
In many people's opinion, the supervision is just as same as quality checker, or inspector.
在大多数的人眼里, 监理就是质检员, 甚至监理就是监工。
Analysis on problems existing in implementation of system of chief inspector responsibility
The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.
The imperial inspector cannot be called a good official because he cannot tell good from bad.
巡抚大人好坏不分, 不算清官。
Responsibility and management of the inspector for accreditation of drug clinical trial agency
Later, frost lustre still has done chief inspector of astral explore, sale, operation to wait.
Quality inspector, learning, training on a regular basis, once each quarter exchange experience.
The electric inspector was castigated for having failed to check the wire as he was supposed to.
All washing machines are stamped with the inspector's name after they have been checked for quality.
Allthe inspector and detective have arrive. I'm sure they'll soon findoutwho stole that secret document.
The director may appoint in writing any public officer to be an inspector for the purposes of this ordinance.
为施行本条例, 处长可以书面委任任何公职人员为督察。
The accreditation of the financial affairs chief inspector is an innovation to China economy inspector system.
So, my little Polish patriot, you DO not wish to tell me who rules over us, the Russian inspector said. Answer me!
The article discusses the characteristics of the accredited inspector system in the supervision system and function.
The Inspector is particularly concerned with the efficiency of the function of administrative and finance assistant.
Perspective of carrying out inspector system for property and fund in Xin Jiang Provincial Bureau of Geology and prospecting
which makes it very hard for an inspector like this to actually find all these breeding sites and treat them with insecticides.
这让杀虫员 很难找到所有的据点来喷洒杀虫剂
Once the appropriate sample size has been determined, the Degas inspector should select sample garments by randomly opening closed cartons.
It introduces the requirement that the construction plans of all proposed factories and warehouses be submitted to the Chief Inspector for his approval.
And State's inspector general's report, produced last September, singled out the Intelligence and Research Bureau for loose handling of SCI material, recommending its control over it be taken away.

单词 inspector 释义

  • 单词释义:检查员;(英国公共汽车或火车上的)查票员;(警察)巡官;检阅官  [更多..]



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