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单词 metre 例句大全,用单词metre造句:

The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.
The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.
Liberty fabrics, both for furnishing and for dressmaking, are sold by the metre.
利伯蒂布按米出售, 既可用作装饰又可作衣料。
With all the windows up, the level skyrocketed to 2926 micrograms per cubic metre.
全部车窗关上时, 微粒含量高达每立方米2926微克。
The area was not cultivated A wall of dry stones about a metre high surrounded it.
这地方没被耕种, 四周的围墙是由一米高的乾燥石头砌成。
Pastries are presented in a nine metre long display case, cantilevered at one end.
Some of the small dragons were less than one metre long and no more than 20 kilos.
这些小龙没有一米长, 没有20公斤重。
Produce management land surface to accumulate 480 thousand square metre among them.
Calculate, in metre, a lower bound for the difference between the high and low tides.
The one metre border should be in a different colour from the rest of the matted area.
The influence of the daily temperature changes can be neglected below one metre depth.
In the case of the Earth, the amount of sunlight absorbed is 239 watts per square metre.
以地球为例, 每平米的阳光吸收量为239瓦特。
The angular deviation must be less than 14o when measured 1 metre height above the floor.
The most recognisable symbol of Paris is the 324 metre Eiffel Tower on the banks of the Seine.
Flowing freely curve shape, delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly.
Generating the pressure needed to do this sieving consumes about 4kWh per cubic metre of water.
Generating the pressure needed to do this sieving consumes about 2kWh per cubic metre of water.
The lines are between around half a metre to five metres wide but extend for hundreds of metres.
It is1 metre cubed and made of a robust recycled plastic that can be adapted to individual needs.
Mrs. Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the metre.
Coated papers reactive to water. Determination of the mass per square metre of the coating and the anhydrous coating.
Front seat passengers should maintain a gap of not less than one quarter of a metre between their body and the dashboard.
前座乘客的身体, 应与仪表板最少保持四分一米的距离。
A Research on Loss of Poetical Metre in the Poems with Seven Characters to Each of the Eight Lines in the Prosperous Tang Dynasty
Capable of reaching a metre in length, this beautiful species is black with a mesmerising pattern of turquoise and blueew mdiscovered
长度能够达到1米, 黑色的底子配以迷人的绿松石般花纹。
Tonal Patterns in Classical Chinese Poetry、 Stress and Confirmation of Enclitic Weakened Stress in a Rhythm Unit in the Construction of Metre in Chinese.

单词 metre 释义

  • 单词释义:米,公尺;格律,韵律  [更多..]



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