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单词 mesa 例句大全,用单词mesa造句:

Using machine installation method, flat basin sink and mesa of installation.
采用台平盆安装方法, 实现水槽与台面无缝安装的效果。
Although not be mesa mainstream, but also be approbated by a lot of consumer.
Wren inhabiting badlands and mesa country of western United States and Mexico.
Machining Technology and Measuring Technique for High Precision Inner Convex Mesa
Accordingly, mesa is necessary to carry out can develop the strategy continuously.
Research on the critical size of the substrate mesa for single quantum dot growth.
Spruce Tree House is the third largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park.
According to slope and mesa fertilization should be done in sink and hole patterns.
Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America.
And Epha the concubine of Caleb bore Haran, and Mesa, and Gezez. And Haran beget Gezez.
The tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water.
Effect of Mesa Size on the Electrical Characteristics of Verticalcavity Surfaceemitting Lasers
Can contain a lot of electric equipment as far as possible into ambry, let mesa appear relaxed.
Special events were held at Mesa Verde during its one hundredth anniversary in two thousand six.
最后, 他把他所收集的古董卖给了科罗拉多史学院。
The joint of mesa and wall, it is the place of water of the easiest ooze, here should do manger.
台面与墙壁的连接处, 是最易渗水的地方, 此处应做挡水板。
The appliance that wash gargle can be put on its mesa, the cabinet below still can be put sundry.
1 party a foul, the other party may the cue ball placed on mesa arbitrary position began hitting.
一方犯规时, 对方可将主球置于台面任意位置开始击球。
The reservoir physical characterization in sloping delta front excelled that of mesa delta front.
Make stone with mesa humanness , ambry board is crystal board, this is the combination with top price.
以台面为人造石, 橱柜板为水晶板, 这是价格最高的组合。
But the service life that the stand or fall of in house matrix is affecting mesa of fire prevention board.
Disrelish mesa small, still can go up in length outspread, become the Westernstyle food table of a piece of standard.
嫌台面小, 还可在长度上延伸, 成为一张标准的西餐桌。
Countermeasure and Characteristic of Soil and Water Loss and Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss in the Mesa Areas of Dianchi Lakeside
Base material of mesa of fire prevention board is density board, facing is fire prevention board, ply is 2 millimeter commonly.

单词 mesa 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[地]台地,岩石台地,平顶山  [更多..]



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