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单词 merge 例句大全,用单词merge造句:

The decor and gracious service of the past merge perfectly with the amenity of the present.
The underlying algorithm is based on implicit functions to create and merge blobs together.
There are three defined operations for processing policies Normalize, Merge, and Intersect.
Only when it has been abs orbed and adopted by the team does its usefulness begin toe merge.
Liang said his aspiration was to merge the natural substances with life in a perfect manner.
So all good qualities and pure qualities of the Dharmadhatu merge into Medicine Guru Buddha.
Anonymous Subscribers or Subscribers at this server are not allowed to create merge publications.
Merge with freeway traffic in a smooth, gradual movement to the centre of the nearest freeway lane.
Research on the Foreign Capital Merge Influence to our Country Circulation Industry and Regulations
I guess they must have figured it would be easier to merge than to keep up the cutthroat competition.
You could then merge in the changes from the business model, and continue with the development cycle.
You must make peace with them and merge with them to create an implosion of the collection of your soul.
With the adoption of open policies, Latin language codes merge into Chinese Vocabulary in large quantity.
伴随对外开放, 拉丁语码大量进入汉语词汇。
When the pretage placenta merge implants the placenta in particular, the massive hemorrhage, cannot appease.
尤其是前置胎盘合并植入胎盘, 大出血时, 更不能姑息。
Just over a week ago, Newsweek announced that it is going to merge with the online magazine The Daily Beast.
On the Ancient Opera in Northern Dynasty in Sixteen Kingdoms Period and Cultural Merge between Nationalities
When people no longer merge or have no physical contact, their enthusiasm for a physical fight also declined.
It was a philosophy that attempted to merge certain basic elements of Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist thought.
这是一个理念, 试图合并某些基本要素的儒家, 道家, 佛教思想。
To Merge Mathematical Software and Mathematics Experiment into the Teaching of Differential and Intergral Calculus
The companys decisions to reduce capital, merge with another company, establish a separate company, disband.
second, proposing made the personal accounts of the basic oldage insurance merge into the enterprise annuity system.
Real estate rights transferred as assets of the enterprises through merge or consolidation of these enterprises and.
因企业兼并或者合并, 房地产权属随之转移的
Fourth, the function of envoys and the organizations accredited by the central government tended to merge into a unitary one.
Two CLS company merge found a CLS international corporation These two companies merged and founded one international corporation.
Some car trying to merge onto the highway sideswiped my baby. Not a lot of damage, but still need to bring it into the bodyshop for a few days.

单词 merge 释义

  • 单词释义:(使)混合;相融;融入;渐渐消失在某物中  [更多..]



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