Merle Haggard Sing A Sad Song
Madame Merle appeared to note this eagerness.
Colour Sable, Sable and white, Tricolour and Blue Merle.
Ansel and Merle stand steady on the deck in a fight embrace.
安斯艾尔和莫尔站在甲板上一动不动, 紧紧地拥抱在一起。
Madame Merle appealed to her as if she had been on the stage.
梅尔夫人拿话和她搭讪, 好象她也在台上。
The merle colours were very common in the early days of the breed.
在早期的边境牧羊犬中, 山鸟色曾经非常普遍。
For an instant Madame Merle's colour rose and she dropped her eyes.
Madame Merle thought, as she appeared, that Mrs. Touchett's comparison had its force.
她一进屋, 梅尔夫人就想, 杜歇夫人的比喻是有些道理的。
Assume, for example, that John Bryan and Merle Davis are partners in an existing partnership.
例如, 假设布赖恩和戴维斯是现存合伙企业的合伙人。