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单词 mention 例句大全,用单词mention造句:

Once as it happened, the Professor forgot so far as to mention accessible things.
有一次, 教授偶然失口, 说出一件容易得到得东西。
Men,men,men,everywhere,and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the ancient Romans apparently invented the hamburger.
啊, 我还忘了说, 汉堡包也是古罗马人发明出来的。
He hits the ceiling at the mere mention of his unsuccessful love affair with Emily.
一提到他和埃米莉之间不成功的罗曼史, 他就要大发雷霆。
Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
Xiao long foreskin good as thin as paper, not to mention to mention the broken belt.
He did not mention, even to his adjutant, that he had just had his children murdered.
This rare and cutting edge disc was given the Album of the Year mention in Australia.
Although, todays announcement did not mention the companys mobile applications at all.
What I neglected to mention was the controversy around Pearys pioneering accomplishment.
You will be asking, then, why should I mention about the admission of a girl in a school?
你或许会问,为什么我要提到 送女儿去学校?
So you obviously made it to the tenth chapter, where I mention indian foodas an aphrodisiac.
Now, usually when I mention suspended animation, people will flash me the Vulcan sign and laugh.
The crowd groaned in disappointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the stand in's name.
失望中, 观众们议论纷纷, 听也没听报幕说出代唱歌手的名字。
Not to mention the 198 horses that are probably running right now to keep the airconditioning going.
跟别提带该有200匹马现在在跑 以维持空调运行。
Somehow be also worth several two silvers by his amenable beauty, fix, do you mention its not very good
以他的姿色好歹也值几两银子, 修, 你说好不好?
Moreover, the Quartet has yet to even mention the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice.
Excuse me gentleman, ladies Does punishment appeal to in can you mention what does aappellant ruling have
请问先生, 女士们刑诉中可以提起上诉的裁定有哪些?
I talk about that in the book and mention some of the companies that will be trying to address the problems.
Three words namely look in to listen the small fox creature lull in Chu sky slightly show to anxiously mention.
楚天寻听到小狐平静的三个字, 略显急切的说道。
Appearance vogue, chapter show individual character, enclosed mention strap, but do use car the beverage holder.
外观时尚, 章显个性, 附提绳, 可做汽车杯架使用。
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and greatfully accept the appointment on the term you mention.
Mention was also made of the possibility of deleting the provisions relating to aggravating and mitigating circumstances.
Is positive such for Feng feather mention, he ambition not be a human who literally and then ambition make shakes apt slay people!
正如凤羽所说, 他绝对不是一个随便便会出手杀人的人!
From 200 BC to 200 AD, Pythagorean triples appear in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, together with a mention of right triangles.

单词 mention 释义

  • 单词释义:谈及;提到;提名  [更多..]



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