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单词 media 例句大全,用单词media造句:

From onefold paper medium medium to cross the media, omnibus media change that crosses a trade
从单一的纸介质媒体向跨媒体, 跨行业的综合性媒体转变
The campaign built important partnerships with the judiciary, media and the field of academics.
I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more reliable than television.
Unique media set identification number that identifies the media set containing the backup set.
Investigation and assessment of POP transboundary transport and accumulation in different media.
Many entertainment facilities are provided for this reason in the Media Village and Media Center.
The present invention relates to a media skew adjusting apparatus of an automatic media dispenser.
If the backup media consists of only one media family, that family contains the entire backup set.
Material produced was quoted at least1,150 times by the media and academia and in research studies.
Polish media. A ceramic media without any abrasives. For Burnishing, polishing and light deburring.
Resonant modes and their application in calculation of acoustic fields of boreholes in layered media
Media unscrambles annals to think, new media income decreases considerably below this company division.
This media does not support being overwitten and media overwrite had been selected. Do you want to append
The maturing of media industry has created a golden opportunity for the development of media survey industry.
Abandoned traditional newspaper press release, included in the study of new media in isolation has no meaning.
传统报业抛弃报, 刊孤立地研究新媒体没有意义。
New Media artists and theorists have an abiding fascination to see cinema as the root of all moving image media.
For the media, a public social tool, be truthful, righteous and accurate is the regulation that should be obeyed.
The Issue Service of Weijing Academy and Reforming Atmosphere for the Political Reform by Means of Media Construction
To file a defamation accusation against the news media is the typical form of the investigation and punishment afterward.
The Media Liaison and Accreditation Unit provided services to a number of journalists who covered the commemorative event.
I have a female acquaintance who is something senior in a big media company. Shes pushy and brash and I dont like her much.
我认识一个女的, 她是一家大型传媒公司的高管。
Objective To investigate the role of virtual endoscopy in assessing the ossicular chain abnormality in chronic otitis media.
The last is promoting the circulating communication of the medical academic periodical, try to stabilize the media ecology system.
促进医学学术期刊的循环传播, 稳定媒介生态系统。
As a mass media, films are widely accepted out of its special fascination. China has practiced the openingup policy about thirty years.
作为一种大众传媒, 电影由于其特殊的魅力而广受欢迎。
which is, that accusation comes from people in the U. S. government, from people in the media who are loyalists to these various governments.
那些指责来自美国政府 来自媒体里拥护各个政府的人

单词 media 释义



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