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单词 medic 例句大全,用单词medic造句:

The stem and leaf of Abutilon theophrasti Medic Pharmacognosy Antiinflammatory Analgesia Effective component
he wants to extend choice further, allowing patients to opt for one treatment over another in consultation with a medic
他想扩大选择范围, 允许病人与医生协商选择治疗方案
30 Cases of Insomnia with Liver Depression Transforming into Fire Treated by Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medic
Objective To observe the analgesic effect of Total flavone of Abelmoschl Manihot L medic and also to inspect when TFA was administered repeatedly and regularly, whether it would cause addiction.

单词 medic 释义

  • 单词释义:医生;医学院学生;苜蓿属植物  [更多..]



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