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单词 memory 例句大全,用单词memory造句:

Study on the Impact of Shaoxing Yellow Rice Wine on the Learning and Memory Ability of Rats
Improving Memory Effects of Eel Oil Capsule on Memory Obstruction of Mice Hurt by Anisodine
They abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
His memory was so bad that he didn't even remember he had a memory problem, which is amazing.
他的记忆能力差到 甚至记不得自己有健忘症 真的很神奇
Alert! Redundant memory disabled! Memory configuration does not support redundant memory.
Spill Codes and Memory Access Pressure Sensitive Fast Machine Learning for Register Allocation
An apportionment of bandwidth between the graphics local memory and system memory is the result.
As its name implies, shared memory makes a segment of memory accessible to more than one process.
The Effects of Cognitive Load and the Decay of Memory Trace on Adults'Spatial Working Memory Span
A battery and a memory card are loaded on the battery insertion section and the memory card slot.
They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.
Experimental Studies on Implicit Memory and Explicit Memory of Young Children with Chinese Knowledge
Five years absence had done nothing to efface the peoples memory of his firmnessSee Synonyms at erase
Thus arrays support what is sometimes referred to as contentaddressable memory or associative memory.
因此, 数组支持所谓的按内容寻址的存储器或关联存储器。
A Research on the Characteristics of the Developmental Process of Meaningful Memory and Machanical Memory
The results show that the shape memory alloys remelting with metallic crucible have good shape memory effect.
The virtual memory abstraction is implemented by using secondary storage to augment the processors main memory.
Which can also enlist the aid of the garbage collector in managing memory usage and eliminating potential memory leaks.
Reserved memory is the virtual memory space reserved for the application but no disk or main memory pages have been used.
But can this really happen? Can we really choose to delete those unhappy memory and just remember those nice and lovely memory!
但系有无可能咁做呢?删除唔钟意嘅, 留下所有美好嘅记亿!
Older people are capable of maintaining a good memory through exercising their minds frequently and using appropriate memory skills.
As for the difficulty of unsufficient internal memory capacity, it can be overcome by means of the dynamic memory allocation technique.
The classical Art of Memory indeed recommends that anyone forms a Memory Palace of his own with personalized rooms, connections, images.
This issue is somewhat different depending on whether you are looking to buy a memory foam mattress or a memory foam topper pad to put on your existing bed.
This is the website of Emotion and Memory Systems Laboratory. The laboratory focus on understanding the neural systems and cellular mechanisms underlying emotional learning and memory. Its study aims.

单词 memory 释义

  • 单词释义:记忆力;回忆;存储器;怀念  [更多..]



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