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单词 medallion 例句大全,用单词medallion造句:

The bespoke box inclusive of the phone and medallion sells for 21, 075.
定做的盒子, 手机和奖牌售价一共是21, 075美元。
Wait a second! This medallion fits perfectly into the arms of the figurine!
The oversized bathroom includes an oval shaped medallion of classic stones.
squareshaped powder enamel coloured ground vase with medallion and floral design.
Blazefury Medallion The triggered effect from this item will no longer break Gouge.
Yellow glaze powder enamel plate with medallion landscape design hemp floor covering
Marble mosaic medallion, resembling inlayed stone medallion but in the form of mosaic.
In addition to the bride and groom, a new family medallion is given to each of the children.
This goldplated copper commemorative medallion with a diameter of 50mm is made with coinage technique.
此枚纪念章为铜质镀金, 直径50毫米, 造币工艺制造。
This silverplated copper commemorative medallion with a diameter of 50mm is made by coinage technique.
此枚纪念章为铜质镀银, 直径50毫米, 造币工艺制造。
The charming crab flavor, along with the tender veal medallion presents your extremely good sense of the dish.
皮软而又不粘牙, 内陷粉嫩, 还吃的出一丝丝的蟹肉, 很有质感。
Light greenish blueglazed revolving vase ornamented with powder enamel lotus in medallion and child figurines.
In particular, the necklace with the dragon heads and the medallion are very special, she told the Nordlys newspaper.

单词 medallion 释义

  • 单词释义:大奖章,大勋章;(大奖章形的)圆形图案(饰物)  [更多..]



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