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单词 meaning 例句大全,用单词meaning造句:

The immediate cause of suicide, for the present author, lies in the absence of life meaning.
Associative meaning lies on the bottom layer and it conveys intuitive and aesthetic meaning.
Same referent, different metaphorical meaning Different referent, same metaphorical meaning.
Excuse me, what are the economic meaning of drawback of our country exit and policy meaning?
and it has been used for reference meaning of the computer detection on aeromagnetic abnormity.
Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associatons suggested by the conceptual meaning.
Because the meaning of Christmas is a meaning of hope. And this hope will illuminate your heart.
这盼望会燃亮你的心, 心就是我们的情感。
It was late summer not meaning late August, but meaning September, before the autumnal equinox.
The meaning of being conscious of shame is about the meaning and expression of conscious for shame.
When used as a complement, it can express the meaning of action tendency and that of accomplishment.
Meaning refers to the evolution of the form of the word unchanged, and there is a change in meaning.
The ancient Greek word's original meaning is invincible, and extended meaning for the most hard thing.
这个古希腊词的原义是天下无敌的, 引申义为最坚硬之物。
The implicit meaning of a numeral is in essence a cultural departure from the original literal meaning.
Meaning refers to either the direct meaning of poems or the artistic conception which is more metaphysical.
Therefore, increasing the rock drivage speed has the most inportant meaning to accelerate the shaft building.
因此, 提高岩巷掘进速度, 对加速煤矿建设有非常重要的意义。
Abandoned traditional newspaper press release, included in the study of new media in isolation has no meaning.
传统报业抛弃报, 刊孤立地研究新媒体没有意义。
Chapter III by the sound and the meaning and the meaning to talk about the aesthetic sensibility zither music.
The second part mainly approaches the methods of meaning expressing for meaning expressing Chinese characters.
Qi of the stomach has a broad meaning, that's genuine qi, its narrow meaning is the function of the stomach, etc.
Abbreviating a sentence means cutting out the redundant parts of the sentence without changing its original meaning.
Its meaning is often studied as the abstract, intrinsic property of the sentence itself in terms of a predication.
The former includes meaning increase and meaning decrease, and the latter, commendatory emotions and derogatory emotions.
前者包括意义的增加和减弱, 后者包括褒义色彩和贬义色彩。
On the one hand, the evolvement of the theory on the meaning of the science and technology shows a traditional epistemological meaning.
Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning, have added a kind of tender feeling for the film.
Every pictophonetic character has a meaning and a sound element. For example,"氵"(water in English) is the meaning element of the character 泳 ( swimming in English).

单词 meaning 释义

  • 单词释义:意思,意义;含义;意图  [更多..]



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