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单词 maze 例句大全,用单词maze造句:

HM Prison Maze was considered one of the most escapeproof prisons in Europe.
This is one I wrote it myself, exhibitions. The maze is on solving problems.
这是一个我自己写的, 请多多指教。是关于迷宫的求解问题。
Use your talent in the hands of candy and put it out from the maze Li Dai Oh.
Except where indicated all the following puzzles are normal word maze puzzles.
After someone swallows a medicine, the chemical must traverse a veritable maze.
In the missing fog up the house, maze degree on the time will never forget you!
Even in the maze that is exported, but do not want people out of the labyrinth.
就是在迷宫中即使知道出口, 却不愿意走出迷宫的人。
Cathy was the first one brave enough to venture into the maze of his laboratory.
Then the learning and memory power of the rat was assayed by using water maze test.
Old, walled courtyard homes are the building blocks of this delightful maze of lanes.
By a water maze test, latencies to escape onto the platform and errors were recorded.
He is a tragicomic character trapped in a maze of misrepresentations, and also a jerk.
The boat threaded her way through the maze of large vessels which surrounded the shore.
A list of Maze generation methods, Maze solving methods, and classes of Mazes in general.
Traverse to the exit of the maze while picking powerups such as Blaster Pack and Ammo Pack.
Now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the Maze and it was refreshing.
as the prince, you must bravely fiendish maze, overcome all difficulties to the rescue princess.
Help I Digger extract minerals, jewels, and chests of gold from an underground maze of treasure.
Run through the maze, dodge your enemies, collect all of the gold and climb up to the next level.
在迷宫中奔跑避敌, 收集齐所有的金块并攀登到下一关。
The thickness of the ultraintense turbulent current mass transfer field is controlled by the maze structure.
The Party was caught in a maze of schemes and intrigues both of enemies and of allies, but it lacked vigilance.
He thought about how good it would be for him to be out on an adventure in the Maze, and to find fresh New Cheese.
他忽然有一种冲动, 想到迷宫中冒险去寻找新的奶酪。
On the other hand, DSP can shorten water maze latency, enhance the correction percentage of mice injected reserpine.
Experiment with the water maze, the diving platform experiments the observation studies memory etc. the whole behavior variety.
以水迷宫实验, 跳台实验观察学习记忆等整体行为变化。
Algorithm input the representative of the coordinates of the entrance of the maze algorithm output the results through the maze.

单词 maze 释义

  • 单词释义:迷宫;迷惑;错综复杂;迷宫图  [更多..]



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