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单词 mediterranean 例句大全,用单词mediterranean造句:

A large, FAST, heavily armed three masted Mediterranean galley of the16th and17th centuries.
快速帆船16, 17世纪时期装有武器的地中海大型快速三桅船
Early Pliocene Precession Rhythm of African Monsoon and Mediterranean Sea Surface Productivity
The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.
The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the atlantic.
Besides this the Mediterranean was the main artery in the communications of the British Empire.
Russia's Black Sea fleet Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea patrol, confronts with the NATO fleet.
俄国的黑海舰队正在黑海和地中海游弋, 与北约舰队对峙。
Others flee up through Africa towards the Mediterranean Coast and then across the Mediterranean.
The U. S. doesnt have any aircraft carriers or bigdeck amphibious ships in the Mediterranean now.
Convention for the establishment of the European and Mediterranean plant protection organization.
He did want to pour into Italy the maximum amount of Allied forces available in the Mediterranean.
In them there were no dreams of Mediterranean voyages, of blue Southern skies of the Vesuvian Bay.
With the comfortable Mediterranean climate a stay at a cliffside hotel is bound to be unforgettable.
By the close of 1938, the British Navy had once more firmly established itself in the Mediterranean.
On Northwestern Europe Merchants Ships Going to Mediterranean in the Late16th and Early17th Centuries
Eight national reports have been received from affected country Parties from the Northern Mediterranean.
Pompey had cleared the Mediterranean of pirates, which is something that our governments cant seem to do.
Aloe belongs to intertropical, tropical plant, originate in south Africa and mediterranean formerly coastal.
芦荟属于热带 亚热带植物,原产于南非和地中海沿岸。
The war in the Mediterranean erupted again according to the Allied schedule soon after the TRIDENT conference.
三叉戟会议以后, 地中海战争立即又按照盟国计划爆发。
It is geographically located In southern Europe, with the yearround warm climate of Mediterranean attribution.
处于欧洲南部, 全年气候温暖, 属于地中海气候。
Malta is an archipelago in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, some 93 km south of Sicily and north of Africa.
它是位于地海中部的群岛, 距意大利南部和北非约93公里。
There were trawls taken in the deep sea in the Mediterranean, which collected more garbage than they did animals.
在地中海深海撒網 撈上岸的垃圾比動物還多。
Artfully accompanies grilled red meats, ripe cheeses and savory dishes including spicy Italian and Mediterranean food.
与烤肉, 奶酪或意式和地中海风味的小吃搭配都有很好表现。
Instead of phoning a friend, just meet in a virtual cafe in Paris, or stroll along a virtual Mediterranean beach together.
Fuel characteristics and fire behaviour in mature Mediterranean gorse shrublands Martin De Lais, Manuel J. Baeza, Jose Raventos and Jose C. Gonztilezltidalgo
Koine is a dialect of ancient Greek that was the lingua franca of the empire of alexander the great and was widely spoken throughout the eastern mediterranean area in roman times.

单词 mediterranean 释义

  • 单词释义:地中海的;地中海地区的;地中海居民的  [更多..]



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