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单词 mausoleum 例句大全,用单词mausoleum造句:

The Mausoleum Sacrifice and Its Influences Upon the Ancestral Shrine Sacrifice During the Han Dynasty
Research about the Bronze Bell Chimes in the No.14 Accompanying Burying Pit of Luozhuang Han Mausoleum
Taj Mahal was commissioned by the Emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his Persian wife Mumtaz Mahal.
泰姬陵由国王沙迦汉委托建造, 作为其波斯妻子的陵墓。
On Denomination of the Quadrate Cupreous Pot in Cupreous Cabin Unearthed from the Qinshihuang Mausoleum
This night, 2 human say for a long time, until more deeply exposing is cumbersome, equitable mausoleum.
这夜, 两人说了许久, 直到更深露重, 才就了寝。
Exploring the Underground Palace of the Emperor Qinshihuang Mausoleum with High Precision Gravity Survey
Preliminary Study on Provenance of Terracotta Officer Figures From the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor
She was admitted posthumously as Princess Yongtai, and was buried with her grandparents in Qian Mausoleum.
The Location and Shape of the Sui Cingulum Viewed from the Copper Buggy Excavated in Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum.
He blew himself up in a busy shopping area near the Imam Hussein mausoleum one of Shiite Islams holiest shrines.
exhibiting characteristics of both ming and manchu decorative styles , zhao mausoleum presents a magnificent sight.
它兼具明陵和满族陵寝的特色, 规模宏大, 建筑雄伟。
According to above analysis, I summary characteristics of the institutional archetype Qian Mausoleum of Tang dynasty.
The main structures consist of memorial archways, tomb passage, mausoleum gate, gateway pavilions and coffin chamber.
The geomantic omen doctrine was very current in North Song dynasty and had much influence on the mausoleum system then.
View Partial Reconstruction of Six Mausoleum of Song Dynasty from Authenticity Principle of Cultural Heritage Protection
Review of Archeological Discovery on Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Study of Qin Culture in the Last Ten years
Application of the integrated geophysical methods in exploration of the underground palace of Emperor Qinshihuang Mausoleum.
Certainly recent initial surveys have found high concentrations of mercury under the tomb chamber, mausoleum archaeologist Duan said.
So far three vaults have been excavated in which terra cotta figures were found, located some 1498 metres to the east of the First Emperors mausoleum.

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