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单词 meet 例句大全,用单词meet造句:

It can achieve higher voltage stabilized accuracy and can meet common requirements.
其稳压精度比较高, 完全可以满足一般场合的需要。
Only coward, would meet mountain to round drive away, meet water to turn to turn head.
They were destined never to meet again, ie Fate had decided they should not meet again.
The gas which meets the ideal gas equation absolutely will be bound to meet Joule's law.
If you meet. My secluded Ge field winding mood. Jasper ryanghwa. I abandoned people to pity.
To make it even more alluring, a set of accessories are available to meet individual's need.
Aim To design a control system of automatic levelling, and meet the needed accuracy in need.
My solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.
The test shows that the cocoon evaluator can meet the demand of fast and accurate evaluation.
The Spousal Caregiver is expected that he, or she, will make ends meet and adjust accordingly.
The accuracy and precision meet the requirements of analysis of the pharmaceutical preparations
The real examples show that both methods meet the requirements of engineering in accurate level.
经算例验证, 其精度能满足工程要求。
We have also established a new statutory framework to meet the accommodation needs of travellers.
The villagers decide to meet each other every fifth day in April according to the lunar calendar.
Fails to make Contract Products meet the level of Acceptance Standards as specified in Appendix 1.
Toe ure the Customer projects to meet the contractual schedule and to meet the company target profit margin.
To ensure the Customer projects to meet the contractual schedule and to meet the Company target profit margin.
To overcome valence rate, accelerating capital have enough to meet need is the problem that urgent need solves.
The absorbing and separating effect of the molecular sieve in the invention can meet the industrial requirements.
Important Lesson There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with.
if it does not meet the requirements for acceptance the court shall make an order within seven days to reject it.
认为不符合起诉条件的, 应当在七日内裁定不予受理
Shank sections for lathe and planer tools; machined all over, not required to meet special standards of accuracy.
If we can help meet the need for clothing in this way, we can help meet the needs for food and other daily necessities in the same way.
穿是这样, 吃, 用也是这样。
He tried to meet a friend in London without a pre arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.
I have no idea when we will be able to meet again. Anyway, I hope that when we do meet again some day, we find that our friendship still stays with us.

单词 meet 释义

  • 单词释义:遇见;碰到;结识;迎接;集合;会晤;交锋;满足;偿付;和…接触;遭遇  [更多..]



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