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单词 luxurious 例句大全,用单词luxurious造句:

Top luxurious facilities, warm and careful service, looks forward to your presence!
They decided on the most luxurious hotel in the city to hold their wedding reception.
The luxurious villas feature stylish Thai decor and furnishings, and modern appliances.
Marmosets are dainty animals with luxurious fur, which is sometimes strikingly colored.
狨猴是精致与奢华的毛皮动物, 有时是惊人的颜色。
Real wooden appearance, relief craft, show the luxurious manner of the room to the limit
实木外观, 浮雕工艺, 尽显居室豪华气度
The powerful speedboats and down in the canals are often more luxurious than the houses.
Advanced car is not equal to luxurious car, intermediate car is not equal to advanced car.
高级车不等于豪华车, 中级车不等于高级车。
The result is a luxurious and harmonious ensemble of architecture, painting and sculpture.
Single very luxurious, and even equipped with computers connected to the very fashionably.
Individuality, brief luxurious, eradicates the classical serious complicated palace design.
个性, 简约奢华, 破除古典厚重繁复的宫廷设计。
Feather mattress pad, luxurious sheets with a light, feather duvet and fine cotton bedcovers
Make it complete with a Terrys Chocolate Orange Bar.its sumptuous, luxurious and delectable.
若在此时享用华贵精美, 味醇香浓的特利桔味巧克力。
students and football fans from the general public, crowd into the huge, Luxurious stadiums.
Wall paper and carpeting, no matter how luxurious, just cannot make up for a lack of windows!
Gentlemen, experience the majestic splendor of a cruise aboard the luxurious Queen Nathan II.
Aboard his luxurious sail barge out in the desert sands, Jabba breathed his last fetid breath.
在他豪华的风帆游艇上, 贾巴终于咽下了最后一口臭气。
The most luxurious and classy hotel with top services is the Beijing International Club Hotel.
The home is luxurious, but the warmth of the colors and materials give you a sense of comfort.
Roof work fine with octagonal chandelier, semicircular copper wall lamp, luxurious and elegant.
顶棚配以做工精细的八角形吊灯, 半圆形铜壁灯, 华贵高雅。
Luxurious laptop comfort soft foam leg rest, covered in plush microfiber, provides luxurious laptop comfort.
Especially in Ming and Qing dynasties, quite a few government officers constructed their luxurious houses here.
特别是在明清两个朝代, 许多官宦在此兴建园舍。
Streamline designed, abopt ergonomic curvilinear backrest, luxurious looking. use abuanced ventilate pu material.
Ultra big liquid crystal display monitor, entire journey demonstration wash condition, completely obviously its noble luxurious.
Luxurious Damask Ticking Top quality ticking from Belgium, which is fulfilling most of the quglity tests, gives a supreme soft hand feel.
豪华织锦布选用高针数比利时布, 提供睡眠舒适感受。
Luxurious living has become the current fashion. The Chinese traditional virtue of being diligent and thrifty has been abandoned by some people.

单词 luxurious 释义

  • 单词释义:奢侈的;豪华的;放纵的;词藻华丽的  [更多..]



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