Bacteria, in contrast, often just lurk in the environment, and may thrive on many hosts.
But even when the male looks after the eggs faithfully, some dangers may lurk for the eggs.
Those reservoirs seem still, in fact, geological dangers lurk on everywhere and are growing.
I was hoping to lurk in the background in case something went wrong. Id be ready to troubleshoot.
我会躲在幕后, 以防出错。我会准备好及时应对麻烦。
Online footage shows a fetid, unmade bed, beneath which lurk mildewed salt and vinegar Hula Hoops.
Dangers lurk on all sides when climbing the mountain, and everyone is very cautious in the process.
爬山得过程中险象重重, 大家都很小心。
The muscle bound football players and hulks which lurk the halls of Moeller are quite a sight to see.
要知道, 默乐高中素有高年级同学欺负新生的传统。
Snipers lurk on rooftops near the Jokhang temple, Tibets holiest shrine and often a focus for protests.