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单词 loyally 例句大全,用单词loyally造句:

Our love can walk is much far I to have loyally.
For decades, the whole nation followed Mao loyally.
Pioneer, Innovate and Loyally Do Our Duty as Bridge and Link
开拓创新, 忠实覆行桥梁和纽带职能
Pellaeon served loyally at Thrawns side as his trusted confidant.
佩莱昂忠心耿耿地服务于索龙身旁, 如同他的至亲密友。
He has lain underground for 2, 000 years, loyally doing his duty.
She has loyally and unselfishly spent every day at her husband's side.
她每天都忠诚, 无私地陪在她丈夫身边。
One couldn't desert the people after they held out so loyally and long.
在人民赤胆忠心地坚持了这么久之后, 谁也不会抛弃他们。
Never slack off in your position and fulfill your responsibility loyally.
居之无倦, 行之以忠
The Gamorreans, including Ortugg the axeman, served him loyally ever since.
Bao cubes loyally according to the wishes accommodation of host little young master, shellfish.
鲍丁忠心地按照主人得意愿照顾小少爷, 贝。
Government will not be efficient unless the people as a whole accept leadership loyally and enthusiastically.
Hides the mastiff is one kind protects loyally main, advances bravely fiercely, does not fear the violence only the god dog.
They were old fogy of the last regin of feudal society, they loyally safeguarded traditional culture, but they were dropped behind of current society.

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